October 21, 2014



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak,
since my awakening I haven’t been able to settle into being awake or fully let go. It’s like I’m constantly fighting it e.g. taking control of my breath, keeping my mind going/activating my mind and I seem to be afraid to settle into this awakening. I know it’s happened and there is no going back, but I didn’t ask for it or had ever been spiritual before it. In my environment I am so alone in regards to this and it’s still kind of crazy to think this has happened to me, providing my background, the dysfunction of my past and the life I grew up in. Ever since awakening happened it’s like I’m scared to settle into it and accept it, like my ego has been running alongside it all along if you know what I mean. It felt great for a while then this massive resistance set in which has been around for a long time. What can I do to make that final let go and relax into it?
Thank You for reading this and for your advice and wisdom you have provided in the past.


Congratulations on your great spiritual development. The fearful reaction is from your old, familiar self. You did ask for it. Your old frightened self is holding on to your ego mind because it is afraid if it lets go then there is nothing to take care of you. It thinks your life will fall apart without it. The fact of the matter is that your ego never really ran your life anyway, it just imagined it did. Your higher self has been in charge all along, so there is no danger in letting go and relaxing into your own existence.
You can reassure your ego personality that it still has a useful role in taking care of the details social interactions of your life, but it no longer has the impossible responsibility of trying to understand and control everything. So once it fathoms that, it will come as a huge relief. Just give yourself time and be patient with your old self as it makes the transition. Once the adjustment is made you will feel great freedom.



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  1. Cheryl Dowling Degraff

    How is one awakened? I feel that I'm being held back also, possibly by fear or ego.

  2. Yogish Prabhu

    Totally agree sir ! Submission of ego is bliss absolute :)

  3. Shera Michell Bryant

    I'd rather be spiritually awakened then spending my time on earth just existing. Love your honesty, though

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August 23, 2012



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dr. Chopra, Much of this "awakening" that many talk of is somewhat confusing. What does it mean to be fully conscious? Thanks


Awakening from the point of view of the Indian wisdom tradition is the full realization of one’s true nature. This is a kind of waking up from the sleep of ignorance. Being fully conscious means there are no more dark or shadowed areas of the psyche that remain hidden from the light of the higher self.


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  1. prasad

    enlightenment comes only when one drops the mind, manas, then you can experience oneness of self with SELF. This SELF resides at mooladhar and is only a witness to what the self does. Enlightenment can only come with rigorous Yoga, The Raj Yoga of Patanjali. Trough these practices one trains oneself and ultimately realises the SELF only after dropping the mind and its associated ego which makes you identify yourself with body and its associated neuro functions.

  2. The Suited Monk

    Awakening is the realization of the ''Self'' or so called ''Truth''. Being fully conscious means you are a constant observer of yourself, your thoughts and behaviors. An awakened person is in constant consciousness.

  3. Spencer Perdriau

    ELOQUENT BULLSHIT Suited Monk!!! True "Actual" Self-Realization is kept 24/7 constant in Heart, not mind. That is why the "real" mystics can bring it "INSTANTLY" to surface mind/awareness, whenever they so please - any time, no matter where or when! Capish, Brother??!!... Go and read my earlier comments here about this................>>>>

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