December 4, 2015

Attracting People.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak.

I need to first thank you for being. You have been a great source of energy for me….thank you for having helped me find my true self again…… My question to you is….how do I draw people into my life? It’s been ages since I really met a new person and made friends with him/her….something that was so natural when I was a kid has just become difficult….. I do meet a lot of people….but there is something in me that is not letting me be my true self…..I feel people get bored of me . How do I bring out the best in me?


Don’t try to draw people to you, because that has a slightly controlling aspect to it. What you can do is begin to relate to others from your authentic self.  That   brings out the best in you. Interacting with others from your true self means offer your compassionate, supportive attention to them. You listen, look for the best in them and then acknowledge that in words of appreciation. Ask if there is anything you can do to help them. When you approach relationships from the level of what you have to give from your real self, rather than what you want, then you will always be connected to others and be valued and loved.

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  1. marry345

    My boyfriend broke up with me after years of dating. Things were relatively Ok, but for the past 6 months or so, he’d been acting kind of snippy and oddly sarcastic (I say “oddly” because we’re both kind of sarcastic people. It was just different, like bitter sarcasm). Suddenly he broke up with me. I need to get him back. My friend adviced me using love spell. I entered the website and order the most powerful love spell. And I don’t regretted. My lover back to me.

  2. marry345

    My boyfriend broke up with me after years of dating. Things were relatively Ok, but for the past 6 months or so, he’d been acting kind of snippy and oddly sarcastic (I say “oddly” because we’re both kind of sarcastic people. It was just different, like bitter sarcasm). Suddenly he broke up with me. I need to get him back. My friend adviced me using love spell. I entered the website and order the most powerful love spell. And I don’t regretted. My lover back to me.

  3. marry345

    My boyfriend broke up with me after years of dating. Things were relatively Ok, but for the past 6 months or so, he’d been acting kind of snippy and oddly sarcastic (I say “oddly” because we’re both kind of sarcastic people. It was just different, like bitter sarcasm). Suddenly he broke up with me. I need to get him back. My friend adviced me using love spell. I entered the website and order the most powerful love spell. And I don’t regretted. My lover back to me.

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