November 3, 2019

Anger and Justice.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Is it healthy to suppress anger, a natural emotion, in order to be non-violent in our communication? Is it wrong to condemn an act/ crime in strong words, especially if one is a victim? What would be your advice to a person who has been a victim of physical, social, emotional and psychological abuse/ crime- forget the incident and carry on with your life for there’s a lot life has to offer or fight the culprit legally and socially and bring him to book (because for a fight the person must preserve one’s anger otherwise the fight  just fizzles out, going by how our police and the legal system work)? Wouldn’t the first option lead to more crimes, for I’ve rarely seen ‘Gandhigiri’ work?


Suppressing anger is never the answer. Furthermore, suppressed anger is not peaceful communication.  Nonviolent communication allows for the honest expression of one’s feelings, but encourages that it be done without blame or judgment, for that is much more likely to elicit understanding and cooperation.

For individuals like yourself that have suffered abuse I would recommend focusing on healing the trauma emotionally and physically within yourself. It’s fine to let justice run its proper course, but if you tie your emotional healing to the criminal justice system by nursing your anger, then you risk becoming a victim of forces outside your control while your anger consumes your life and poisons your soul. 

You seem to believe that anger/retribution is the only force behind legal justice. I disagree, and even in the cases where it does motivate legal action, is the price the victim pays worth it? Anger keeps you   a prisoner of your past and powerless victim. What you seek is freedom and the strength to be your own person, that can never be attained through anger.



Write Your Comment

  1. Karin Poestges

    This is my experience. Peace, freedom and empathy could I receive after learning non violent communucation. I am glad und happy about!

  2. Karin Poestges

    This is my experience. Peace, freedom and empathy could I receive after learning non violent communucation. I am glad und happy about!

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