December 14, 2016

Anger and Blame.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


 I am 39 and have had Rheumatoid Arthritis since the age of 16. I had a traumatic childhood and I felt this brought on my condition. A few years ago I decided   I needed to change my life, I found a great naturopathic doctor and even went to counselling for childhood problems. I truly feel that we possess the power to heal our bodies, but I am still having trouble with my angry toward what was done to me (as a child) and I feel that disrupts my healing. How do I let go of the anger?


Emotionally traumatic incidents can certainly exacerbate a condition like rheumatoid arthritis but it is unlikely to be the primary cause of it.  Many people with happy childhoods still have rheumatoid arthritis.  Blaming your condition on what was done to you as a child is not likely to help you get past this anger even if it were true. Getting help from a naturopath and counsellor is good idea, but with the counsellor see if you are ready to steer the focus on your anger issue away from your parents to the anger that is inside of you independent of your childhood. If you are able to access that deeper, more general level of anger you will become less entranced by the particulars of your story and therefore closer to letting the anger go. You didn’t say if you practiced meditation or not, but critical to this release process is having the experience of a stable, core self as a reference for what is real and valuable in your life. That inner self serves as the silent witness that knows your worth and strength independent of your personal history and circumstances. As that true self becomes your dominant identity, anger and blame will naturally drop away.



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