October 22, 2018

A Giving Life.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


One of my biggest goals is to be a very giving person. I have enjoyed doing things like paying for people’s bills at restaurants, complimenting people on their personality, and making it a point to make strangers feel like a friend, and it has had a huge impact on my level of success and happiness. What are some other ways I can give to make a big impact or really connect with people on a deeper level?


This is a beautiful goal you have given yourself. You don’t really need any tips for other ways to be generous, that will occur to you naturally in the various situations you find yourself in on a daily basis. But bear in mind that the best of what we have to give others comes from the fullness of our heart. That fullness is our ever-present, awake consciousness. So make sure that you maintain a balanced spiritual practice that keeps your heart full, and your mind and body rested and healthy. From there you will automatically see joy, beauty and love all around you and your thoughts, speech and behavior will express those feelings in an overflow of generosity.



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  1. soni narendra

    very nice. wonderful is your way to teach...or say guide people but.... differences....were there, are there....& mst probably will always be. All Valias can't be Valmiki, some only those who wish, some can B Valjibhai and some can be Mr. Valjibhai.. soninarendra835@gmail.com

  2. soni narendra

    very nice. wonderful is your way to teach...or say guide people but.... differences....were there, are there....& mst probably will always be. All Valias can't be Valmiki, some only those who wish, some can B Valjibhai and some can be Mr. Valjibhai.. soninarendra835@gmail.com

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