November 22, 2015

A Brilliant Idea.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Your body is like a brilliant idea in the cosmic mind, an idea that took billions of years of evolution to construct. Can you alter billions of years of evolution? Can you alter your gene activity? Learn more from SuperGenes

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  1. Berle Sinnappan

    It took our creator the true and living God 7 days to create the world within that 7 days he created man,, what,s with in cosmic evolution stuff.

  2. Berle Sinnappan

    It took our creator the true and living God 7 days to create the world within that 7 days he created man,, what,s with in cosmic evolution stuff.

  3. Berle Sinnappan

    It took our creator the true and living God 7 days to create the world within that 7 days he created man,, what,s with in cosmic evolution stuff.

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