December 1, 2013

What Is Consciousness? – Deepak Chopra, Rudolph Tanzi, Menas Kafatos and Lothar Schafer.

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  1. ZTruth NY

    Evolution being linear is nothing else than a “form” of concentration from the nucleus expression. Sure we can utilize linearity, for those who are boundless. But you can not say evolution being more concrete than the power which it came out of. Dynamic theory can not hold its own without the ability of choices being real, yet only in form(S). Having said that, what reality and who’s reality is not real? Who’s is real? Evolution is perhaps in need of an upgrade of rewording.

  2. ZTruth NY

    Evolution being linear is nothing else than a “form” of concentration from the nucleus expression. Sure we can utilize linearity, for those who are boundless. But you can not say evolution being more concrete than the power which it came out of. Dynamic theory can not hold its own without the ability of choices being real, yet only in form(S). Having said that, what reality and who’s reality is not real? Who’s is real? Evolution is perhaps in need of an upgrade of rewording.

  3. adam DiRe

    Anything pertaining to space/time or the relative world pertains also to beyond relativity as these are two perspectives of the same thing, ultimate reality.

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