December 7, 2012

Thirty Days Of Intent – Forgiving Yourself.

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  1. xnavygal

    Self-Acceptance has definetly been a process for me. Being a former addict in my active addiction in addition to growing up in a dysfunctional is all too easy to fall back into the old patterns and behaviors of self-loathing, worthlessness etc..Today I am learning to "put the bat down", and am a little less critical of myself and others. ie; Forgivness and Self-Acceptance go hand in hand for me. I had to first begin by allowing myself to "feel" my feelings, the good, bad and the ugly, which was very painful and definetly unfamiliar. By learning self-acceptance and forgiveness on a deep level resolves my need for perfection. I can list my assets today as well as my character defects. By Forgiving myself I can now forgive others, and I know from my own experience that harboring those resentments is slow, relentless torture. Besides the word itself says; "resent me"! Stay Blessed and go be that blessing one another. OneLove..jen (xnavygal)

  2. Saundra Naughton

    Does this exercise work best when you verbalize out loud and/or to someone else?

  3. Saundra Naughton

    Does this exercise work best when you verbalize out loud and/or to someone else?

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