December 19, 2012

Spiritual Solutions – Cooperation and the Political Process.

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  1. Anonymous

    @YourSoul - I feel your opinion seems quite practical for the modern times. However I believe whenever spoken about applying spiritual solutions / leadership we mean an ideology that works par better when deligently followed and accepted by all with compassion otherwise it might end up good for some while not so good for the rest.

  2. YourSoul

    Spiritual solutions only work for you, the individual. It is the mystery of perception versus science. During all the comments given the only conclusion as far as I am concerned is: let everyone mind their own business and business will be as usual. Nothing has changed. All is and stays as it is. Am minding my own business and thrive well. Happy 2013!!

  3. Bryan Douglas

    Thank You Deepak! Always inspired by your Words of Wisdom.

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