December 10, 2011

Law of Attraction.

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  1. Justme

    The Law of Attraction as all the other universal laws are indeed absolute. So how can this baby have attracted her rape? She didn`t. What is at work are two things. First you may have heard that little cliche; "We are all one," especially oft repeated by spiritual seekers. Well it happens to be the truth. So thoughts of fear, along with thoughts of carrying out certain acts, held by a group of people, will work through the Law of Attraction: Unless the individual who happens to be caught the cross hairs, is aware and awakened to consciousness, to prevent the negative thoughts of others from manifesting in their life. This is the reason behind why so called bad things sometimes happen to good people or why someone who is disliked by a large group of people can die in accidents, sudden illness or have extraordinary negative things happen to them seemingly from out of the blue. Think OJ SImpson and The Kennedys. Obviously a baby cannot defend itself from the negative thoughts and fears of adults. Fear is an extremely potent instigator of "The Law of Attraction." It produces the conditions, whole groups of a country full of inhabitants fear just as easily as it creates the conditions that mothers fear for their children. It also trumps all the positive thinking a person does when trying to manifest something positive, while fearing that they will not get their wish. Fear also produces a potent negative energy that attracts other negative energy to itself. Few people know that thoughts have energy, as do words. Think about this and think what happens to angry words and thoughts. The Universal Laws are always at work whether we like it, understand them or believe them. Until each human learn about these laws for themselves and see the proof of their workings they are bound to remain doubtful, angry and confused. The book and movie of The Secret, while no doubt good intentioned, gave the impression that positive wishful thinking was all that was necessary for happiness. Sometimes that is all that is needed for long stretches of peace and happiness for an individual however when more complicated conditions exist, knowledge of the spiritual teachings are absolutely necessary. NAMASTE

  2. Stephen

    I think that Marie`s words have been misunderstood as an attack. It`s difficult to differentiate an attack from a complement sometimes over text.

  3. Susan

    I love listening to these clips. They are a great start to the day. My cat, Sophie, loves Deepak, also When I listen to him, she rubs her head on the screen of the laptop.

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December 10, 2011

Law of Attraction.

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  1. Liamesque

    Hello Deepak, Thank you so much for this video and explanation. You mentioned the necessity to be "grounded in pure being" - could you please direct me towards any of your resources/videos that explain more what you mean by this. This may be the ingredient that I am missing on my journey! Much gratitude to you, Liam

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