July 29, 2013

Facing the fear of death | SPIRITUAL SOLUTIONS.

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  1. BS Murthy

    May also hear "Bhagvad - Gita: Treatise of Self-help" in rhythmic verses sans inane interpolations and theological spins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfnnt6okIhM&t=740s

  2. BS Murthy

    May also hear "Bhagvad - Gita: Treatise of Self-help" in rhythmic verses sans inane interpolations and theological spins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfnnt6okIhM&t=740s

  3. tanya

    my husband kept on cheating on me..at first he was forgiven because i believe in second chances but still he cheats again with another woman I’ve been married for twelve years and my husband has been cheating . i told my pastor about it we prayed and fasted nothing happen. We have three children together who are still very young. My husband does not cheat with one woman, but many. Recently, for my birthday my husband left the house and never came back home the phone was dead i was frustrated i cried i prayed my Pastor told me everything will be fine, at night i was checking my mails i saw a comment online where a lady was testifying on how her husband was brought back by a spiritual doctor i contacted through the mail he responded immediately i told him my situation he told me 24 hour was all he needed to fix my situation it was like a joke, 6hours later my husband called me apologizing on the phone, that was how my husband came back home after two months separation my husband came back, his love became stronger than ever if your relationship is seeking please Dr Moosa has the answer. his mail is moosatemple@yahoo.com

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