August 6, 2012

Ask Deepak – What Is Intuition.

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  1. Christine J Sojka

    About Intuition.:Intuition is actually something scientific.People reveal the truth about themselves with their facial expressions in pictures taken of them over time.This was studied and verified scientifically by Paul Ekman and Silvan Tomkins.Information I pick up from the facial expressions of people in pictures taken of them over time always turns out to be accurate.Also people reveal the truth about themselves with their body language in pictures.People reveal a lot about themselves with their speaking voice also.A person`s speaking voice reveals their unconscious self concept.People also reveal a lot about themselves with the manner of how they do a given thing.For instance if a person tells me to do something in a strong,commanding way I know that that person is strong and domineering.A weak and submissive person would ask me to do something n a weak and subservient way.

  2. truth is a merit

    the definition of intuition in this video is rather wrong: intuition is our link to what is right beyond our individual mind. By definition of singularity there cannot be an universal mind. The closer you are to the singularity, the less there is. "rigth/wrong" is simple. A mind is something very complex.

  3. Mahzul

    @GodintheGarden, Get out of here, spirituality has nothing to do with intuition, it is a basic human instinct that everyone has, no "god" gave it to us, its our instinct`s from long ago coming back when we first had to survive.

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