May 1, 2024
Science and Spirituality with Deepak Chopra

Science Vs Religion.

Discover a fresh look into the creation myths you thought you knew! Dive into a revolutionary exploration of the universe’s origin. In this episode, Deepak Chopra challenges both traditional religious and atheist views on the origin of the universe. He proposes a radical new perspective that draws on quantum mechanics and ancient wisdom to suggest that the universe is a self-organizing, self-aware phenomenon, and that consciousness is not a product of matter but the fundamental reality itself. Are you ready to see the universe through a new lens? Join this exciting exploration of science, religion, and the power of consciousness.

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Science Vs Religion

Deepak Chopra takes a fresh look at creation theory from both Religious and Scientific perspectives and suggests a new theory.

I’m doing this episode with a little bit of hesitation and even trepidation, and I’ll tell you why. Let me make some outrageous statements, at least, outrageous to theologians and religious people. Number one, God did not create the universe. Number two, the biblical version of creation, Genesis is wrong. Most religious versions of creation are wrong. That’s number two. Number three, Richard Dawkins and militant atheists are wrong.

Genesis Of The Universe – 01:43

Remember, I’m only expressing my opinion. You can agree or disagree. Take it or leave it. Ridicule, vilify, or praise it. It doesn’t matter. The genesis of the universe is much more interesting than the current scientific version. Also, the current religious version, which are both wrong. When I say religious, I mean organized religion versions. When you read the book of Genesis or you read some other text, you come across this idea. God created the universe, in the biblical version for seven days but how could you have days without a sun, a moon, the stars, the cosmos, and all that? The days come after so it doesn’t sound right.

Plus, the biblical version suggests that the universe is only a few thousand years old. If you want to read all the arguments against the biblical version, I suggest you read Richard Dawkins. I’ll tell you why I think Richard Dawkins is also wrong. Once again, I’m only sharing my opinions. When we were all babies, we asked the question, where did I come from? If our parents were religious, they said, “God made you. God made the universe. God made everything.”

As a child, you always ask, “Who made God,” and everybody gets stumped. In a way, Richard Dawkins has used this argument as well. If there’s a creator of the universe, where did the creator come from? You can go back infinitely and ask him this question in time. Where Richard, in my opinion, is expressing an old-fashioned atheism from an old-fashioned perspective of understanding creation or also atheistic views. Again, it’s my opinion but all these arguments are based on a very outmoded philosophy, theology, and religion.

If creation comes from outside of space-time, then there is no beginning to it and there’s no causality to it. Right now, the basic difference between quantum mechanics and classical physics is there’s no causality in quantum mechanics. Everything is spontaneous and without cause. Also, it works. All the calculations of quantum mechanics are now helping create technology, even though quantum mechanics does not imply causality or even strict determinism.

Quantum mechanics applies only to possibilities that reside in a transcendent realm. It implies unpredictability. It implies quantum leaps of information and energy which means discontinuity. To some of us, it implies self-organization, self-regulation, self-evolution, total autonomy, spontaneity, uncertainty, and creativity. If you understand that there is a realm of existence, which is not perceptual, but the source of perception, which cannot be 100% conceivable, but is the source of all conception.

That realm is infinite possibilities, uncertainty principles, spontaneity, quantum leaps or jumps of energy, and information implying discontinuity. If that realm of existence is awareness, then it also operates through attention and intention. If the transcendent field, unified field, singularity, or whatever you call it, the infinite formless is all possibilities and also, spontaneous. It’s also governed by the uncertainty principle and localizes itself through attention and intention.

We then have a solution to where the universe came from. A transcendent realm of all possibilities and possibly self-aware as that transcendent realm and interacts with itself through attention, intention, creating species-specific experiences, or universes that go along in entanglement by the biological organism that is experiencing those universes. God did not create the universe. God is a superhero or a superhuman. He did not create the universe. That version of God did not create the universe. It is obvious, and that’s common sense.

On the other hand, the argument of atheists particularly militant like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. Also, Sam Harris joined the gang and many others. They have a very old-fashioned idea of God, and the God they attack can’t be defended. The God they attack cannot be defended by Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens and the gang. Also, Daniel Dennett. They never addressed it. Dennett does, but he says that consciousness is explained, which means consciousness is explained away.

Consciousness – 08:54

None of these people address the hard problem of consciousness. When they do, they dismiss it that we’ll find a solution. Consciousness is a derived form of matter. Once you get into that derived form of matter, then the observer argument also starts to fail. I remember Michael Shermer asking me a long time ago and he’s become a good friend. We’re good friends and so is Leonard Mlodinow, the co-author of Stephen Hawking is a very good friend now.

We disagree on a lot of things, but we are friends. I remember Michael asking me. He says, “If consciousness creates the universe or the experience of the universe, are you implying that there was no universe before human beings appeared?” The universe is 13.8 billion years old. Human beings showed up only 200,000 years ago and we developed the scientific method. Also, these questions and methodologies have only been in the last maybe 40,000 years. How can you say that you need an observer to create the universe?

When Michael presented this question to me many years ago, it seemed to make sense because if the observer is a human body-mind looking at the universe, then the observer’s not manifesting the universe as the person. He or she is not manifesting that the universe that he or she’s seeing existed before he or she showed up. How could he or she be manifesting the universe?

There’s a flaw in that argument. The body-mind is not observing the universe. The body-mind is part of the observation. Only consciousness can be observed. Only consciousness can know. Only consciousness can experience. Also, the body-mind and the universe that is being experienced simultaneously are entangled as objects in the subject that we call consciousness. Once you understand that there’s only one subject of experience, but its modes of experiencing are infinite.

Origin Of The Universe: There’s only one subject of experience, but its modes of experiencing are infinite.


Let’s take our own body-mind and universe examples. If you understand the description of morphogenesis in one version of it but not all the versions. One version of it, which is not religion, which is not even a philosophy. It’s a methodology for exploring consciousness. In that one version of Advaita which means non-dualism. Consciousness first modifies itself as the mind. Consciousness interacts with itself. It knows itself as thoughts, feelings, and imagination. Let’s call that the mind.

Furthermore, the mind differentiates into rationality, which means it becomes the intellect. Furthermore, the intellect creates an identity of itself. We call it the ego. From there, magic happens. There’s a differentiation of the five senses, the five motor organs, and these project as the experience of space, time, energy, information, and matter or we can say the five elements, space, air, fire, water, and earth. Space being matter or what we call matter in its vacuum state. Air being what we call matter in its gaseous state. Also, water is in its liquid state, and earth is in its matter state.

You see that consciousness is self-interacting and differentiating into ego. First into mind, intellect, ego, and the five senses. Also, into the five motor organs through acts of attention and intention experiencing itself as the body-mind apparatus that is entangled with the experience that that body-mind apparatus caused the universe, in this case, the human universe. In similar ways, other species are entangled with an experience, which would be their universe.

A Transcendent God Beyond Space And Time

An insect with 100 eyes, a dragonfly with 30,000 eyes, a snake, infrared, insects, ultraviolet, and owls are also all different universes entangled in a common ecosystem of universes with leaky margins. The traditional God did not create the universe. The God that I am trying to explain is much bigger, much more mysterious, much more ineffable, and transcendent beyond space and time. It’s irreducible, fundamental, spaceless, timeless, and causeless. Also, that formless awareness is everywhere.

It’s omnipresent. It is the source of all energy and matter. It’s the source of all experience of energy and matter so we can say omnipotent. Also, the source of all information is generated through its own self-interaction, which we can call omniscient. Yes, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, but on a much grander scale than any religion can describe or has described or even our current cosmological frameworks which include things like the Big Bang, which by the way, no cause can be ascribed to it.

It includes the Planck epoch, 10-43 seconds times 0 where there are no laws of physics. Also, cosmic inflation where the universe triples in size every trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second and then slows down for inexplicable reasons, but precisely fine-tuned for mind, life, universe, and multiverses. I can’t explain cosmic inflation. I can’t explain the Planck epoch. I can’t explain the source of the Big Bang. I can’t explain the disparity between the observed value of the cosmological constant and the theoretical value. There are a lot of things.

Also, I can’t explain dark energy. I can’t explain dark matter. I can’t explain most of the universe or what’s happening. There’s a standard model that seems to work for creating technology but seems to be totally disastrous for explaining the origins of the universe. Current cosmology out, religion out, Dawkins and his gang are out as far as I’m concerned. Does God exist? Yes. God is the ultimate mystery of existence and God is the mystery of you and me. God is our highest instinct to know ourselves. God is unimaginable. God is inconceivable. God is incomprehensible. God is infinite. God is formless. God is without cause. God is real.

Tweet: “Current cosmological frameworks, religion, and Dawkins and his gang are outdated as far as I’m concerned.” – Deepak Chopra on his Science + Spirituality #podcast

Everything else is unreal. Only God exists. Why? Unreal means it’s a happening in space and time that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Whatever has a beginning also has an end. Every projection of the universe has a beginning, middle, and end. You and I are part of that entanglement as the impermanent visions of God in infinite modes of imagination, knowing, experience, and never-ending.

Does God exist? Yes. Did God create the universe? No. God conceived and constructed the notion. That’s all you need. He conceived and constructed the notion. He organized that notion into an experience and that experience was species-specific and magically manifested the species-specific experience of that entanglement. The biological organism with its body, mind, and the universe are both objects. The subject is one. The objects are innumerable minds, innumerable modes of knowing, and innumerable things known.

Tweet: “God did not create the universe. God conceived and constructed the notion of one.” – Deepak Chopra on his Science + Spirituality #podcast.

God conceives and constructs the notion. It governs and becomes the experience of the universe in infinite modes of experience. It’s much bigger, much more grand, and much more omniscient. If there are degrees of omniscience, this are infinite modes of omniscience. It’s infinite modes of omnipotence. It’s infinite modes of omnipotence and omnipresence. Wherever you go, there is God. There is nowhere that God is not. God is not difficult to find. God is impossible to avoid. Reflect on this and I’m sure I’m going to be criticized, vilified, or ridiculed for these views, but I have been saying for some time that both religion and science need a reformation. Let me know your thoughts.

Origin Of The Universe: There’s only one subject of experience, but its modes of experiencing are infinite.


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