June 4, 2015
Picture of day

Hello from Amsterdam.


Rudy Tanzi and I are speaking about Alzheimers, Super Brain and Super Genes.

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  1. heartphone

    Couldn't listen to you in Amsterdam but listened here: http://livestream.com/GlobalFamilyReunion/theater Thank you dr. Tanzi for a clear overview of where we stand in the world with Alzheimer's disease. And thank you dr. Chopra for appearing at the Late night show on television, so lay people could also profit from what you had to say.

  2. heartphone

    Couldn't listen to you in Amsterdam but listened here: http://livestream.com/GlobalFamilyReunion/theater Thank you dr. Tanzi for a clear overview of where we stand in the world with Alzheimer's disease. And thank you dr. Chopra for appearing at the Late night show on television, so lay people could also profit from what you had to say.

  3. heartphone

    Hello Doctors/pioneers :) Am on holiday in Germany, but have been following your progress on Twitter through several accounts. Seems many are impressed, especially by your performance Dr. Tanzi. For myself I can say: finally justice. Am living this vision already for fourty years. Grateful to my family doctor :) Hopefully medical healthcare will now really strife to an integral holistic healthcare....

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