Spiritual Solutions.

This May, Deepak will be joined by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the New York Times bestseller Eat, Pray, Love and her latest release, Big Magic, who will show you how to embrace and create big magic in your life by living creatively. Drawing on her personal experience as a writer, she’ll share five major emotional components of living a creative life. Discover how anyone can embrace completely irrational but beautiful notions of kismet and coincidence, of hidden messages and true paths and how—out of that belief in magic—will come a strange, shining confidence, far more exciting to inhabit than self-doubt, fear, and uncertainty. During this rare interactive workshop with Elizabeth Gilbert, you will uncover the importance of courage, enchantment, permission, persistence, and trust in your own life and explore your creative dreams and obstacles that may be standing in the way of success. At Spiritual Solutions for Women, under the guidance of these world-renowned thought-leaders, you will discover spiritual solutions to help you: *Strengthen your insight and intuition—and use it to achieve more satisfying results in every aspect of your life. *Live a balanced and healthy lifestyle—by truly letting ideas or things go that may not be serving you (and not be upset about it). *Confidently and calmly overcome any challenge—and see new challenges that arise as passageways to a more successful life. *Recognize and let go of any fears that may be holding you back—and cultivate an openness to what the universe is undoubtedly trying to show you. *Remain open and free from bitterness and recriminations—allowing new ideas and inspiration to flow to you. *Create magic within your life—by discovering how to seek it, summon it, believe in it, and put it to work for you. Click here to read more about this event: http://bit.ly/1XQvDIn

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Spiritual Solutions.

Booking Options:
7.00 – 7. 30 pm VIP MEET AND GREET – Personal audience with Deepak Chopra and reserved seating – Tickets €150.00 – Select Booking Option at checkout

Reserved Seating – €75.00 – Select Booking Option at checkout

In this talk Deepak Chopra offers that guidance and encouragement, and solutions enabling you to take your life into your own capable hands. There is a spiritual solution for every problem you face whether that be job loss, financial difficulties, relationship issues, health problems or spiritual dilemmas.

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Spiritual Solutions.

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  1. Omar

    Hi everyone, If someone is cancelling his participation to the workshop, please contact me : omar220185@hotmail.com, so i can buy your ticket. Thanks.

  2. Jan

    Goodman morning, I would like to attend your workshop in London this Sunday. What time is workshop starts and where I shell register. My question is: attended 3 seminars with Tony Robbins this year I had privilege to have intervention in Fiji it change my perception of life and how I see ppl I start to listening your books and many others in regards to improve and influence others. Over all odds I failed 3x my final exam I study for last 7 months I am struggling to find my self new job last 7 months. Spend all my savings and don`t see new opportunity a coming my way. I feel like stuck. What is the reason for all this struggle and pain?


    Namaste, Thanks for help me so much in this life, with all my love, Liovet.

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Spiritual Solutions.

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Spiritual Solutions.

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  1. Rosy

    Hello! Im interested in the event. I would like to know where can I get the tickets and their price. Themes, place and schedule of the congrass please. Thank you

  2. Julissa

    Hi, I would like to know where I can get tickets for this event. Thank you!

  3. Jan

    Please let me know who is the person organizing this event and how can I get in contact with him or her. Thank you.

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