New York, NY – Book signing.
Sanjiv and Deepak Chropra discuss how their approaches to healing intersect and share details of their revealing new memoir, Brotherhood: Dharma, Destiny, and the American Dream.
Jeff Pulver is an entrepreneur, internet pioneer and early-stage seed investor. He helped shape the worldwide market acceptance of VoIP; and produces the #140conf.
New York, NY – Book Signing.
In Brotherhood, Deepak and Sanjiv Chopra reveal the story of their personal struggles and triumphs as doctors, immigrants, and brothers. In the 1970s, they emigrated to America to make a new life. Each brother faced obstacles: while Deepak encountered resistance from Western-trained doctors on the mind-body connection, Sanjiv struggled to reconcile the beliefs of his birthplace with those of his new home. Each Chopra eventually decided to stay and build a life as an American citizen. And each went on to great achievements,
hi i would like to know if Mr D Chopra is giving a conference and in case he is i would like to know if i can attend and where can i buy the tickets. thanks a lot for your time tony