Journey Into Healing.

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  1. Marie Sedillo

    I am so excited. I am going to my first day of "Journey into Healing" today. I have diverticulitas and I had surgery to remove part of my colon 5 weeks ago. I am ready to start fresh and learn to heal. I am 60 years old, divorced after 38 years of marriage and I want this to be the healthiest, happiest time in my life. Here`s Hoping.

  2. carol perry

    Meghan, can you tell me if this would be a good one to attend? I have been so sick, one infection after another and the treatment is sometimes worse that the disease. I need help getting my body to help in healing itself along with a better understanding of how to deal with chronic illness. Let me know, I would like to come down and this one is only 4 days so I would not miss one infusion. Thanks Carol Perry

  3. loftuto22

    I am attended a workshop in Carlsbad several years ago and I want to return. The workshop had Panchkarma as part of it. Can you tell me which workshops to consider?

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  1. deepak chopra book

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  2. Deepak chopra book

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