Carlsbad, California – Seduction of Spirit.

You Can Only Create Your Best Life If You Can Hear Its Calling
Discover the Simplest Way to Cultivate Quiet In a Noisy, Stressed Out World

The mind isn’t always easy to quiet. Today we all live in a world that makes it really challenging to slow down and stay connected to our true selves and the source of our wellbeing.

More often than not, we’re distracted and overstimulated by media and mobile devices. And while we’re trying to do and have it all, we can easily end up time-starved, overworked and anxiety-ridden instead of being centered or at ease.

It’s in the midst of all this busyness that we fail to recognize that the biggest missing piece to creating what we really want in life is the space in which to do it.

If you’ve become disconnected from your true self and can’t hear it whispering where to go from here . . . or, if you’re feeling resistance and frustration as you try to create the things you want in your life and instead want to feel exhilarated and satisfied and able to create with ease, you’re in exactly the right place.

Because that’s what Seduction of Spirit, a Chopra Center signature event led and created by Deepak Chopra, is – a rare opportunity to step away from life’s demands and into the peace of present moment awareness. And it’s from that powerful, quiet space that you will create your best work and your best life and watch your dreams manifest effortlessly.

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  1. Rafael Jimenez

    Como puedo asistir al evento del 26 de Abril

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