February 20, 2012

Witness Awareness.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Hi Deepak, My question has to do with awareness. If you come to a point when you realize that you are the witness to everything, what steps need to be taken to become self realized, like that you know it in your head but not yet in the heart? How do you keep moving up in awareness so that you realize in your mind that you are not the mind you are God. I know I didn't explain very well : ( Thank you and thank you for all you do.

When you realize you are that silent witness, and that awareness is permanent, then you have attained the basic state of enlightenment or self-realization. You have realized that your true self is that unchanging, nonlocal pure consciousness. Taking that state of consciousness to then next level, what you are calling the heart, requires that senses of perception become more refined so that deeper appreciation of the objects of perception grows. As appreciation grows, a recognition of beauty in others and in nature is seen. With that comes gratitude, kindness and love. The development of these heart qualities establish a state of self-realization that connects you with all life on a more emotional level than the earlier state of enlightenment.


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  1. Valery

    Then the qualities of truth consciousness are attributes of the Nature of God and we can only realize it through the pure sense of the Soul. I believe Soul has the pure eyes to perceive the beauty , the perfection., the wonder, the sublime realm of this divine life experience, It is very important we receive this inspirations, thanks .

  2. heartphone

    it is something you grow into, recognizing and remembering. Me as a grandma, observing my grandkids, find so much recognition back of how a baby learns and still has this undisturbed look in its eyes, no matter what happens, I get the feeling at older age am growing more and more back into that state of awareness of the silent witness I was as a baby. Maybe that is nature`s way of letting you have experiences throughout living here on earth that lead you back to that simple state of a baby`s awareness again.....But then consciously while a baby is unconscious of this.......

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