November 5, 2014

Whole and Parts.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


The correlation between ancient eastern philosophy and physics continues to amaze me. I understand and know to be true how everything is a continuum of energy and how the material universe continuously collapses from a field of potentiality. My question is this if we are all one, if we are all God, or shards of God experiencing physicality does this not mean that God is imperfect? How is it that we who are from god are capable of the evil acts that we commit against each other? Does this not mean that god is also evil at some level? Also if God is perfect, complete, at peace why the need to experience physicality at all? Is it an attempt to separate the wheat from the chaff or to reproduce perhaps? Whatever the case does this hierarchy of consciousness not mean that we are individual entities separate from the continuum? I don't understand how we can be both all one and all individuals simultaneously.
Kind Regards


The unity of universal consciousness does not appear as diversity because it needs to, or that appearing so makes it imperfect. The myriad reflections of the moon on the rippled surface of the sea doesn’t mean that the moon itself is broken up into a million pieces, only the reflection or images of it. The appearance of the diversity of consciousness does not disturb the peace, unity, and perfection of unified consciousness.


Write Your Comment

  1. Espace Veda

    Smriti, se souvenir de la source, de la RÉALITÉ et d'y élire domicile modifie la perspective de la diversité.

  2. Chanmoni Small

    Teresa Schulz. Very good observation and explanation.

  3. Hcen Kamel


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