April 28, 2021
Ask Deepak

Wandering Thoughts.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I am finding meditation to be my best source of relaxation. But, I sometimes, well, often wander off into thoughts that do not help, like bill payments and so on. Any advice you have to “train” my brain into maintaining a calm and blank slate whilst meditating? Thanks.


When you are meditating and you find that your mind has wandered off on thoughts of bills or anything else, notice that you are not thinking the mantra. Then easily return to thinking the mantra. Do this every time you realize your mind strays during your meditation practice That’s all the ‘brain training’ that is required. Don’t push away the thoughts or resent them, just be neutral toward the thoughts. Also, bear in mind that thoughts play an essential role in the cycle of the mind diving deep into silence and then coming back out to the surface. It is not a useful model to hold that your mind should be blank and calm the entire time of your meditation. Even brief moments of silence followed by thoughts will have profound effects on your mind and body. Let the meditation process unfold and deepen naturally without expectations. Your higher self knows best what needs to develop, and when you meditate effortlessly, that cosmic intelligence will bring you precisely the experiences you need.



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