May 4, 2020

Waking Up.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have recently started changing my life. I now meditate, do yoga every day and eat healthier. I have already reaped many benefits of changing my routine. I have more energy, I am less stressed and just happier in general but there is one obstacle I can’t seem to overcome – I have troubled getting up in the morning! I used to think it was simply exhaustion that kept me in bed but I’m no longer as near as tired as I used to be and I’m still having trouble. Not getting up on time interferes with my daily routine and meditation practice – please help!



If you are getting enough sleep at night, but have difficulty in getting up early enough, then you it is probably just your old habits and associations that need to be restructured. Before you go to bed at night tell yourself the time you are going to wake up in the morning. I don’t recommend jarring alarm clocks, but if you can set some soothing music to play at the time you want to get up that will work. I have even heard of clocks that will play mantras or prayers instead of alarms. Ideally, your intention to wake up  will stir you even before the clock plays the music. Get up, brush your teeth and shower. If you want, you can combine your shower with a gentle massage. Afterward, drink a glass of warm water with some fresh lemon in it. Now you can begin your morning meditation. 

Once you have established this morning routine for a month, you will have reset your morning rhythms so that you will look forward to getting out of bed and greeting the day while everything is still fresh and quiet. 



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June 13, 2012

Waking Up.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have recently started changing my life. I now meditate, do yoga every day and eat healthier. I have already reaped many benefits of changing my routine. I have more energy, I am less stressed and just happier in general but there is one obstacle I can't seem to overcome – I have troubled getting up in the morning! I used to think it was simply exhaustion that kept me in bed but I'm no longer as near as tired as I used to be and I'm still having trouble. Not getting up on time interferes with my daily routine and meditation practice – please help!


If you are getting enough sleep at night, but have difficulty in getting up early enough, then it is probably just your old habits and associations that need to be restructured. Before you go to bed at night tell yourself the time you are going to wake up in the morning. I don’t recommend jarring alarm clocks, but if you can set some soothing music to play at the time you want to get up that will work. I have even heard of clocks that will play mantras or prayers instead of alarms. Ideally, your intention to wake up will stir you even before the clock plays the music. Get up, brush your teeth and shower. If you want, you can combine your shower with a gentle massage. Afterward, drink a glass of warm water with some fresh lemon in it. Now you can begin your morning meditation.
Once you have established this morning routine for a month, you will have reset your morning rhythms so that you will look forward to getting out of bed and greeting the day while everything is still fresh and quiet.


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  1. slewi

    Become self-employed. (with a job you love) Works everyday.

  2. senseibuddhist

    I have no trouble waking up in the morning, but i wake up numerous times through the night.

  3. Helen Lever

    Before you drop off to sleep visualise yourself waking up ar 5 mins before the time you want to get up

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