April 30, 2015

Unstoppable Energy.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

With unstoppable energy, what would you do?


Life demands our energy. Most of us work exceptionally hard. We’re ambitious and we push ourselves to achieve our dreams. We fulfill obligations to family and friends. We join organizations. We do and do (and do) some more. But the real trouble is, we’re conditioned to look outside ourselves for solutions to the fatigue, overwhelm and other health issues that result from our work-harder-faster mentality. I invite you to join Kimberly Wise, Chopra Center-certifiedPerfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle educator, for Unstoppable Energy: 4 Powerful Practices to Live Your Most Vibrant Life, an all-new, world-premiere Chopra Center online event on Wednesday, May 6th at 5 p.m. PST / 8 p.m. EST.

Here, you will learn how to turn within to access your own source of infinite energy and potential.

Click here to learn more >> 

Write Your Comment

  1. Carly Campbell

    Very disappointed Deepak! This course was not free as advertised, it was an advertisement to sign up for the course for over $150.

  2. Carly Campbell

    Very disappointed Deepak! This course was not free as advertised, it was an advertisement to sign up for the course for over $150.

  3. Carly Campbell

    Very disappointed Deepak! This course was not free as advertised, it was an advertisement to sign up for the course for over $150.

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