September 19, 2017

True Love.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have read few of your books and one of my favorites is The Path of Love. I always wonder about the quote that you gave at the end of the book. It says that “Love is not the way you feel and behave, but it’s the level of awareness”. Honestly, I have failed understanding the meaning of this quote since I have read it (which is about more than one year). Would you please kindly explain the meaning of it to me?

I also want to ask you that what is true love (love for your life-partner)? Can it change with time? And if it does, then is it a true love? Maybe I have made a wrong definition of love in my life, and that’s probably the reason I’m suffering emotionally. I will look forward to the right guidance from you Dr. Chopra.


Our notions of love are so conditioned by stories of romance and love songs, that it makes it challenging to understand it in a more universal way. By saying that love is the level of awareness we live, I am trying to show that it is far more than an emotion or social interaction. Love is that power of life in us that allows us to connect and join with others transcending our egoistic self-interests. That power to unite depends on the depth of our consciousness. The more self-aware we are the greater our capacity to love, whether it is love of child, partner, nature or God. In that sense, all love is true love. A kindergartner’s week-long crush on the girl sitting next to him can be seen as true love insofar as it might be just the ticket to make him break outside his self-centered world and think and feel in a larger world that includes someone else.



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June 7, 2015

True Love.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Mr. Chopra,

I have been pondering over this for quite a while now. I still have the feeling the answer is right under my nose, but somehow I am unable of fully seeing it. The thing I would like to ask is, how does a person understand if he truly loves someone? Furthermore, if you have loved that someone (or at least felt like it was love), should you tell him or her if you feel uneasy and scared at the thought? How do you get over the feeling of fear and inability and just be sincere with the other person? I feel like this is something important that needs to be answered. I though I might be overlooking something, which is why I decided to ask. Thank you for your time.


Real love is finding  or recognizing your  true Self in another. It is seeing or experiencing a separate person as not separate from you. That state of love has no demands, expectations or needs. Stated this way, pure love may seem beyond the reach of mere mortals, but it’s not as rare as one might think because this love can coexist with all the other forms of sexual, emotional, physical and social affection. All these are normal, healthy expressions of human love too. But  if you want to know if you truly love someone beyond all the other stuff, what matters is whether your bottom line is that you love them on the same unconditional terms that you love your own Self.



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  1. marry345

    My boyfriend broke up with me after years of dating. Things were relatively Ok, but for the past 6 months or so, he’d been acting kind of snippy and oddly sarcastic (I say “oddly” because we’re both kind of sarcastic people. It was just different, like bitter sarcasm). Suddenly he broke up with me. I need to get him back. My friend adviced me using love spell. I entered the website and order the most powerful love spell. And I don’t regretted. My lover back to me.

  2. marry345

    My boyfriend broke up with me after years of dating. Things were relatively Ok, but for the past 6 months or so, he’d been acting kind of snippy and oddly sarcastic (I say “oddly” because we’re both kind of sarcastic people. It was just different, like bitter sarcasm). Suddenly he broke up with me. I need to get him back. My friend adviced me using love spell. I entered the website and order the most powerful love spell. And I don’t regretted. My lover back to me.

  3. marry345

    My boyfriend broke up with me after years of dating. Things were relatively Ok, but for the past 6 months or so, he’d been acting kind of snippy and oddly sarcastic (I say “oddly” because we’re both kind of sarcastic people. It was just different, like bitter sarcasm). Suddenly he broke up with me. I need to get him back. My friend adviced me using love spell. I entered the website and order the most powerful love spell. And I don’t regretted. My lover back to me.

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