Surrendering and Creating.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
I have read some of your books, and the message I have gotten from them is that we should surrender to our inner intelligence and accept the situations and evens that are happening to us. I have tried to implement that philosophy in my life – I feel that in the past, I have tried very hard to get what I want, and many times it has backfired. After reading your books, I decided to try acceptance and trust. To take the example of relationships, I used to try to make them happen – go to the right parties and places, make an active effort to be near a particular person, try to arrange situations with them. Now – I do none of those things – I trust that the person that I am supposed to be with at any particular time will find me, and that I don’t need to do anything to make it happen.
However, in some of the previous posts I have been reading, you seem to put an emphasis on free will and making choices to shape our own destiny. How does being proactive in getting what we want square with acceptance to our inner self? Am I being too passive
with my life – should I be going out and trying to make the situations that I want to happen, actually happen? While I was sometimes very frustrated, upset and discontented with the outcomes that my “active” self-generated, there were at least things that were
going on; I was never bored. Now, I feel like nothing is happening at all – I’m at a complete standstill.
I don’t suggest surrendering to outside circumstances. Nor am I advocating trying to force nature to cater to your ego agenda through will power. Rather, what I try to encourage is a conscious attunement to that inner creative power and intelligence that guides our life, and all life, through meditation and loving awareness. This implies that we are not resisting or judging events, but this is very different than passively laying down on the tracks waiting for life to come to you. You should not abdicate your creator role. That is why nothing is happening for you and you are at a standstill. Meditate in order to develop the connection to your cosmic creative self. Then use your intention to direct that creativity along the lines of your life purpose. So you gently put your desired intention out there in the universe, and then let go of it. Then observe the response and then consciously engage with whatever happens to see how you may need to adapt your intention or action in order to bring forth whatever needs to come forth. This kind of conscious, creative living is a delicate medley of intention, detachment, ease, listening, quiet focus and fearlessness.
Dear Sir, Thank you for bringing to us the wonderful knowledge which could be had only by reading extensively and doing lot of research. Kudos to you patience, will power. While reading / listening to your books/audios at times some questions comes into mind how can we ask those questions? is there any interactive plat form where we can ask questions or get our answers from the questions asked by other yearning people? My second question is that it is said that we can create whatever we want by using the powers of our mind. Can we have material desires(egocentric) fulfilled as having them fulfilled is necessary for living. House,caring and loving spouse,lovely kids,luxuries cars etc. Or, is it wrong to aspire for these things? My this question assumes relevance from the point of theory of hierarchy of needs. No wonder why people like Bill Gates and Narayan Murty is doing so much if charity as most of their material desires have fulfilled and now they aspire for. How do we handle law of karma. Think of a sports person who is doing so much of hard work to win an event of repute and meets with a serious accident and renders him physically unfit for the rest of his life? My third question is I am in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, If I purchase from your website would the same be delivered here too? Warm Regards Neeraj
Dear Sir, Thank you for bringing to us the wonderful knowledge which could be had only by reading extensively and doing lot of research. Kudos to you patience, will power. While reading / listening to your books/audios at times some questions comes into mind how can we ask those questions? is there any interactive plat form where we can ask questions or get our answers from the questions asked by other yearning people? My second question is that it is said that we can create whatever we want by using the powers of our mind. Can we have material desires(egocentric) fulfilled as having them fulfilled is necessary for living. House,caring and loving spouse,lovely kids,luxuries cars etc. Or, is it wrong to aspire for these things? My this question assumes relevance from the point of theory of hierarchy of needs. No wonder why people like Bill Gates and Narayan Murty is doing so much if charity as most of their material desires have fulfilled and now they aspire for. How do we handle law of karma. Think of a sports person who is doing so much of hard work to win an event of repute and meets with a serious accident and renders him physically unfit for the rest of his life? My third question is I am in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, If I purchase from your website would the same be delivered here too? Warm Regards Neeraj
Dear Sir, Thank you for bringing to us the wonderful knowledge which could be had only by reading extensively and doing lot of research. Kudos to you patience, will power. While reading / listening to your books/audios at times some questions comes into mind how can we ask those questions? is there any interactive plat form where we can ask questions or get our answers from the questions asked by other yearning people? My second question is that it is said that we can create whatever we want by using the powers of our mind. Can we have material desires(egocentric) fulfilled as having them fulfilled is necessary for living. House,caring and loving spouse,lovely kids,luxuries cars etc. Or, is it wrong to aspire for these things? My this question assumes relevance from the point of theory of hierarchy of needs. No wonder why people like Bill Gates and Narayan Murty is doing so much if charity as most of their material desires have fulfilled and now they aspire for. How do we handle law of karma. Think of a sports person who is doing so much of hard work to win an event of repute and meets with a serious accident and renders him physically unfit for the rest of his life? My third question is I am in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, If I purchase from your website would the same be delivered here too? Warm Regards Neeraj