October 6, 2014



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I'm having trouble with solipsism – the idea that "reality" is a figment of my imagination. Do you have any reasons to suspect that other consciousnesses exist? I am really having trouble with this.


Whenever you get too confused about these philosophical ideas of consciousness, remember that in the Vedic tradition, all these ideas are based on the actual experiences of reality by enlightened beings. They are not intellectual speculations. They experienced their own consciousness as completely unified with the universal consciousness of all existence. All “other consciousnesses” are within that one unified consciousness. That universal consciousness manifests all of creation through its self-interacting dynamics. That movement of consciousness is self-knowing, awakening. Pure consciousness awakening to its own nature is not imagination in the sense you are thinking, nor is the reality created by this consciousness an individual ego phenomenon. In unity consciousness you experience your own existence and consciousness as the universal consciousness that creates reality from its “imagination.”



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  1. JEDI

    You are the only one that can control your reality.Your perception is all that matters and is all you have.We are all real but how you chose to perceive it is entirely up to you.

  2. JEDI

    You are the only one that can control your reality.Your perception is all that matters and is all you have.We are all real but how you chose to perceive it is entirely up to you.

  3. JEDI

    You are the only one that can control your reality.Your perception is all that matters and is all you have.We are all real but how you chose to perceive it is entirely up to you.

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August 31, 2012



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Sometimes I get this feeling "I am the only real person, there is only me and the people around me are my projections" Please share your views on this.


This view, that the individual perceiver is the only reality, is called solipsism, and philosophically it is not treated seriously for obvious reasons. As a passing feeling, it suggests that you do not feel any connection to the consciousness of others. I mean when you look at others, you don’t recognize them as having the same conscious agency as you do, you see them as inert objects of your perception, like rocks and trees and houses. I don’t think there is anything significant happening there, it is probably a fleeting sense of disconnection and lack of empathy with others that caught your mind’s attention and then wanted to see if there was a spiritual dimension to it. In this case, I don’t think so, since the major spiritual traditions speak of the breakthrough insight into reality as a realization of individuality with the wholeness of all life and creation.


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  1. Creator

    That's just a sign that you are conscious and aware.It has happened to many of us I'm sure but just remember you can't be aware of your own existence without the existence and consciousness of others.You were brought into this world,you didn't magically come into it.As far as solipsism is concerned,it's definitely not to be taken literal as it can confuse and disturb you.It is a way to look within yourself for the answers you seek of this world.Hope this helps

  2. Creator

    That's just a sign that you are conscious and aware.It has happened to many of us I'm sure but just remember you can't be aware of your own existence without the existence and consciousness of others.You were brought into this world,you didn't magically come into it.As far as solipsism is concerned,it's definitely not to be taken literal as it can confuse and disturb you.It is a way to look within yourself for the answers you seek of this world.Hope this helps

  3. Creator

    That's just a sign that you are conscious and aware.It has happened to many of us I'm sure but just remember you can't be aware of your own existence without the existence and consciousness of others.You were brought into this world,you didn't magically come into it.As far as solipsism is concerned,it's definitely not to be taken literal as it can confuse and disturb you.It is a way to look within yourself for the answers you seek of this world.Hope this helps

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