April 27, 2015

Shifting to Spirit.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


 What is the most effective way to shift my internal reference point from ego to spirit?  


Meditation is the best tool to shift identity from  the false self to the real self. But a great way to support this shift in our daily life is  to begin a gratitude journal. When we practice gratitude we turn our attention from the critical ego mind that feels a lack and separation from others, to an active engagement and acceptance of life as it is right now. This embrace of the present moment as complete is what living in the spirit is.



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  1. Terri

    Hi Deepak, I have a question about meditation. We are always advised to go to a quiet space, where we wont be disturbed, and begin our meditation. But it occurred to me when I was in noisy space that I could still go within. I found great comfort in being able to connect to the universe, in the town centre, in a public swimming pool or even a coffee shop, just by blocking out everything around me and listening to the small voice within. I wondered if you had any comment about that. Namaste.

  2. Terri

    Hi Deepak, I have a question about meditation. We are always advised to go to a quiet space, where we wont be disturbed, and begin our meditation. But it occurred to me when I was in noisy space that I could still go within. I found great comfort in being able to connect to the universe, in the town centre, in a public swimming pool or even a coffee shop, just by blocking out everything around me and listening to the small voice within. I wondered if you had any comment about that. Namaste.

  3. Dick Lewis

    I was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in Dec 2012. I have been treated with a targeted drugs (Tarceva and then Iressa ). I've had a roller coaster of symptoms including radiotherapy on my brain. From anticipating death at various points, the birth of twin grandchildren has had an amazing effect on my health and I now feel wonderful. While I am not a religious person, I feel very spiritual and feel I would love to thank someone/something for my recent wonderful experiences. Dick Lewis

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