October 6, 2021
Ask Deepak

Reading Recommendations.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hello Deepak, I have just finished reading Super Brain and thoroughly enjoyed it–thank you (also to Rudy). This is the first book by you that I have read and I would like to read others by you, as well as books that are favorites of yours, but don’t know where to begin (being that there are so many). Do you recommend I begin by reading your very first book and gradually read my way to present day? Or are there particular ones you feel speak to your purpose more than others that you might recommend to someone like me who is seeking to become more spiritually enlightened? Are there books by other authors you might also recommend? I have read several books by Gary Zukav, Eckhart Tolle and Laura Day and have found them to be very inspiring. I look forward to your answer.


I’m glad you liked Super Brain. I often am asked which book I can recommend to begin with, and all I can say is, “it all depends on what you are interested in.” If you want to continue a health theme, you could look at Perfect Health, Quantum Healing, or Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. If you are interested in spiritual principles check out The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, or How to Know God, or Life After Death. But often the best way to find a book is to go by your intuition. Just explore and see what you find.



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