November 7, 2011

Positive Outlooks.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Your look at life is very positive and enlightening. But, no matter how positive we think, incidents and situations draw us back to more of negative state. Why is this so?

Instead of trying to make life positive and avoiding the negative, I find it much more useful to approach each day without expectations, without judgment of what is good or bad, positive or negative.

When we try to make something positive, we are in effect resisting present reality, and trying to make it different based upon our past conditioning and ideals. That means we are assuming reality  is not as it is. When we are open to the fullness of our present experience, without judgment or expectation,  we are able to respond most effectively to the situation at hand whether it be a so-called positive experience or a negative one. This way we learn to work in harmony with the force of evolution in life instead of trying to score little positive victories with our egos only to have them swept away by larger negative events.



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  1. Mark

    We live in a muddled mess of biological physicality. It is like a thick liquid that we are kind of stuck in. This murky life stuff is happening around us all the time. The thing that seems to separate us from the animal world is that we seem to have the ability to see into the soul of the universe. High beings like Jesus and the Buddha were able to see past the mess of everyday life. They knew we were all higher beings. And they tried to pass that knowledge on to the rest of us. They knew because they saw. But we didn`t see, but were told to have faith, that God loved us. They wanted us to just know it`s true. The positive outlook stems from knowing in your heart, not your brain.

  2. wendy

    I have been feeling these things for some time now and wondering about them. How reasurring it is to see someone else say the same thing. But still, what a big shift it is to see the world this way.

  3. Mark

    We need to be careful not to be too cavalier in our "positive outlook" approach. What happens is that we cast our outlook on life from the perspective of the ego. This is bad because life does`nt unfold naturally from that perspective. If we want to believe that we can maintain a positive outlook on life, then we must "know it" in our hearts.

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