April 27, 2016

Old and New Karma.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


How can I determine if the experiences I am having in my life are a direct result of karmic debt being settled? I have neither the knowledge nor the resources to partake in an akashic window experience to see what it is I could be learning at this time or what debt I could paying or even I should try to view my akashic record. I am actually wondering if I am settling karmic debt or simply experiencing consequences of choices I’m making in this life.


 While perusing the old AskDeepak questions I came upon a question I have asked myself often: “Is my desire for my present pursuits so strong that when I inquire of my Spirit if I should continue or give up, I get the answer I want to hear?” If this is the case, then perhaps what I am experiencing is the real answer – give up. It’s just so hard to imagine that this is not what I am supposed to be doing, considering I have the gifts, talents, skills, abilities, drive, and desire to do it. So what am I experiencing? Karma or what?


Whether you are experiencing the consequences of your actions from this life or actions from a previous life, it is still karma either way. I don’t see the need to distinguish the different karmas based on how old it is. You don’t need to pay for an akashic window experience to determine what experiences you need to have now. Whatever experiences you need, you are having right now. Your inner intelligence orchestrates all that automatically. What you need to do to gain maximum benefit from the experience is to be fully awake within. Your silent witness is your awakened higher self. When it guides you with insight and understanding, it speaks with an authority that is incontrovertible and utterly different than the wishful thinking of the ego. To hear the authentic answer from inside requires that you be able to settle the mind down to that quiet stillness beyond the ego where your silence speaks.



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  1. Olivera Leonid Pejin

    Dear Deepak, can you please tell us something about pineal gland and what does it mean if someone has cyst there? Hope you have the answers. Thanks in advance!

  2. Olivera Leonid Pejin

    Dear Deepak, can you please tell us something about pineal gland and what does it mean if someone has cyst there? Hope you have the answers. Thanks in advance!

  3. Olivera Leonid Pejin

    Dear Deepak, can you please tell us something about pineal gland and what does it mean if someone has cyst there? Hope you have the answers. Thanks in advance!

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