July 20, 2015

Number of Souls.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Are there an infinite number of souls, or is there a finite number?


There is no set number of souls. There is really just one unbounded universal consciousness aware of itself. But when this field of awareness is in a more active mode of expression or creation, then there will be more souls or centers of self-awareness than when universal consciousness is more quiescent. Think of a full moon reflected on the surface of a perfectly still lake. You see one moon. If the surface of the lake has a gentle ripple on it, you may see dozens of little moons reflected toward you. If the surface is more agitated, you may see thousands of bits of moon light reflected on the surface. Regardless of the number of lights you may count, it is still ultimately just one moon being reflected from different surfaces created by the degree of activity of the lake.



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  1. Bishnu

    I think One Soul is there and here,but intelligence are many,Psyches are many. Intelligence are floating in Cosmic intelligence.

  2. Bishnu

    I think One Soul is there and here,but intelligence are many,Psyches are many. Intelligence are floating in Cosmic intelligence.

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