September 30, 2015



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.



hope all is well, I have been practicing the 7 spiritual laws of success and have been feeling a lot better and more in ease with myself, I want my desires to manifest with the conjunction of the 7 spiritual laws of success. I had a question, in the 1st spiritual law of success you talk about non judgement, I wanted to clarify a little more upon that, To my knowledge judging is labeling as right and wrong, good and bad, white or black, making a false assumption on something( person, object, situation). Today I shall judge nothing that occurs. I have the tendency that whenever I see a beautiful woman, I think to myself “wow that is a very beautiful woman” or opposite ” wow that is an ugly fat lady” I personally think that in both statements I’m judging, because I’m labeling as good or bad, instead of letting things just be. Or, today is going to rain, (I think I judged) I made an assumption of what could happen and what could not happen (trying to control the present and future, least effort). Or, that is an amazing looking car (I labelled) therefore I believed I judged. Or, another example, I know for a fact that someone is a thief, and I think to myself ” that person is a thief” ( I think I dint judge because it’s a fact that he is a thief). I think that judging excludes facts. Please correct me if I’m wrong, I want to practice non judgement to the fullest. Thank you


 Judgment is the activity of our separate, ego self that is looking to avoid experiencing things it doesn’t like, or acquire experiences of things it does like. The separate self does this as a way of resisting being with what is happening right now in the present moment. Instead of being happy, loving and at peace right now, the ego mind makes a judgment about the present experience –good or bad- seek or avoid.

Non-judgment isn’t really an activity or something you practice. It is simply living the presence of your true self, which is always open and accepting of what is happening. It’s like a movie screen. It accepts whatever movie is being projected on it. It has no way of rejecting it or liking it, it is not limited or compromised by any image on its screen, so it has no fear nor desire for things to be other that what they are.

But our pure awareness is much more than simply a passive screen, it is conscious, creative and loving. When our open, luminous presence of awareness perceives from this state, we see beauty in the simple things around us, and feels love for the people in our lives. 



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  1. Blanca Rodriguez

    Ese fue el libro q lei, Seven Laws of Success. The Book of Awakening, es otro q lei de Mark Nepo.

  2. Blanca Rodriguez

    Ese fue el libro q lei, Seven Laws of Success. The Book of Awakening, es otro q lei de Mark Nepo.

  3. Blanca Rodriguez

    Ese fue el libro q lei, Seven Laws of Success. The Book of Awakening, es otro q lei de Mark Nepo.

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December 11, 2013



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, I have recently started working through the seven spiritual laws of success, and I can already feel my life changing, both spiritually and materially. The one area I am struggling to comprehend and put into practice is the idea of non-judgment. I work as a creative director and part of that involves being critical of my work and the work of others, and constantly judging things on an aesthetic level. How can I balance being objective in my work while practicing non-judgment. Many thanks.


When you are evaluating a piece of work aesthetically, you are not determining if it is good or bad as such, you are determining if the expression is successful in expressing the story or message you are trying to convey or not. You are looking for what works, not trying to pass judgment whether it is good or bad, right or wrong. You can be objective about evaluating how successful a piece of art accomplishes what you need it for in your work without saying it is good or bad in itself.


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  1. Carolyn

    I have a vision to create a judgment-free world. It`s been SUCH a challenge teaching this message, but has been the most transformational for all my relationships where a freedom now exists to be authentic, and love at a soul level beyond `conditions` of good/bad, right/wrong. We will never agree on everything, but for me judging someone is an energy you choose to hold against someone or yourself (with contempt, hatred, blame, unworthiness, jealousy, defensiveness, stone-walling) where you make a PERSON "wrong or bad". Judgment is the "I am superior, you are inferior" energy -- criticism is the "I am right, you are wrong, these are your faults you need to change". Whenever you hear yourself saying `you should…` STOP, and ask `who says?` Is this my higher self talking from a loving place - if so, it would sound more like "I would like, or I need.." as opposed to imposing, projecting from a fear place onto someone. Is it someone else`s voice like your ego or your parents expectations? Judgment is DIFFERENT from discernment where you are attempting to evaluate a truth for yourself that works or does not work for your own well-being. The problem is we use these words interchangeably creating massive confusion. Judge not, lest you be judged means `do not hold the energy of contempt, blame, hatred, unworthiness` AGAINST anyone because in your condemning of someone you will be condemning yourself. You cannot forgive if you are condemning. You cannot see clearly that each of us is doing our best from our own state of awareness/consciousness. You cannot feel what it is to be in another`s shoes when you`ve never worn them. You may be able to sympathize (offer comfort), empathize (offer comfort and emotional understanding), but compassion is where you let go of your judgment completely to see the light beyond the dark of someone`s choice that may be destructive. It does NOT make the choice of words/actions OK -it means we see beyond to the soul of someone - that each of us are human, making our own mistakes to grow, and learn. It is not for me to decide what others are here to learn by imposing my `right way` onto them. I can share, teach, guide, communicate without judgment or criticism, but only if someone is willing to hear will they pay attention. It`s ok if they choose not to - that`s their spiritual path to follow, not mine. Sometimes I have to walk away because someone`s energy is destructive to my well-being. In the end -- `unconditional love` for me has become love without the condition of having to be "right or good" according to me, but I will choose to follow a path that is loving, compassionate, and understanding. I end up attracting others who allow this for me as well. This is where love flows - giving and receiving - where you can live without the masks, be who you are, and most of all GROW into all you were meant to become while sharing that experience of blissful love with others.

  2. Stephen Hopper

    Thank you Vimal, that makes perfect sense. I do appreciate what you say and I understand the wisdom in the article you reference. I have found it very hard at time to stick strictly to moral principles in relationships particularly when a recent partner when out of her way to continually prod and test boundaries and fuel my insecurities (which she shamelessly admitted). There was no reason or rhyme to this behaviour and when I let my guard slip and reacted emotionally (never raising my voice, or calling names or making threats) I was subject to escalating emotional abuse and ruthless vindictive behaviour. All while this person was speaking the spiritual language but did not walk the walk (I do not say I am perfect either, far from it). Of course I am still upset and ask the great equation for the reason why this happened when all I wanted to give was love? But it did and I have accepted it and have long ago forgiven this person. But it is still painful to hear that they run me down to people and friends saying I am a horrible person but on the other hand hear her speak the language of spirituality. I try to focus on principles of light and truth but the pain does not subside. What duty do I have to my self and others? I would welcome any sincere guidance?

  3. Vimal

    Spiritual stages are based on the Consciousness. When we gradually go through upper levels we start getting all those great qualities mentioned by the Spiritual Persons. It is actually a feel of bliss that brings us such beautiful qualities. But in the beginning we `must` have discrimination and judgement to direct us correctly through various distractions. Thanks, Vimal. Reference:

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