January 20, 2017



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Please can you tell me where nightmares come from?  Is there any need to fear them? I have been having nightmares for some time I do not understand, as they are filled with violence and blood, and I not a violent person. Do the nightmares mean I AM violent? What are they trying to tell me? I would very much appreciate your answer.


Nightmares are usually our mind/body’s way of processing some intense experience during sleep that we couldn’t assimilate during waking hours. The content of the nightmare does not necessarily correlate with a similar real life experience; rather it is the emotional response that is similar. So having violent nightmares doesn’t necessarily imply that you are violent under your social veneer, but more likely, the intense emotional reactions during your nightmares indicates the quality of some psychic trauma from your past is now being released.



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February 1, 2013



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I just started reading & learning about meditation and when I first started meditating the past week I felt really relaxed and free, the problem is when I go to sleep I get the worst nightmares all together that I used to have since I was a child (war & seeing the people I love die). I try to ignore these nightmares but I wake up after them feeling sweaty & with a bad headache. I'm not sure what this means? Am I meditating the wrong way?


Your meditation is probably fine. The nightmares are likely unrelated and would have occurred even without learning meditation. The intense nightmares suggest that your unconscious is processing some deep emotional material that was not resolved when you were a child. It will resolve itself soon. To help it along, try getting more physical exercise during the day, eat a light dinner by 7 pm, and take a warm shower before bed. If a nightmare wakes you up in the middle of the night, get up rinse your face with water and drink some water. Reassure yourself that the nightmare is not true, it’s only old fears and conditioning that is now being cleared out through sleep. It’ll be done before long.


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  1. NancyLasker

    I began to try meditation. I was doing this in my bed with my computer on a site where the person talked me through the meditation. Very soothing. Within a day or 2, I began having nightmares..sever nightmares and screaming for my husband because I was seeing black robed beings reaching for me. I have NEVER had a nightmare in my life..I am 64. I was told to say, "God`s white light, please surround me and keep me safe with Love and purity" I did that and also hung a rosary over my door..asked the beings to leave and I have not had a nightmare since. I would love to do meditation but I am afraid to now. Help?

  2. danidelprete

    I had begun reading your books and for years I am reading them over and over...in the beginning I would sleep after reading a chapter or so. I would then dream very lucid dreams! Some about creation, some of vibrations...the LUCID part would worry me in sleep state and I would scare myself awake? Every time I question anyone in sleep state they always have no answer and look at me with a questioning look but no answer?

  3. @Induism

    Maharshi Patanjali in his Yog-Sutra gives emphasis to `Eshwar-Pranidhan` which mean to meditate upon your deity. Due to increased consciousness the hidden memories begin to surface and they may come as nightmare in dreams or during meditation. But if you meditate on your deity you meditate with purity of thoughts and that saves you from all these effects of Sins.

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