December 21, 2017

Mirror Exercise.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


You mention the benefits of looking in the mirror, in the morning, and affirming “there is no one above me or below me” etc. Why do you think that is beneficial?


This kind of mirror work is helpful for giving the ego a clear perspective of its status and role. When you look at yourself and affirm that no one is above you, you are elevating a misguided sense of low self-esteem that tells you that you are not enough. Your true nature is infinite, unbounded consciousness, and no one and nothing is greater than that.

The other affirmation—that no one is below you—tells you that everyone is that same divine essence and deserves the same respect and regard you hold for your highest Self.



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  1. Denita McDade

    " Independent of the good or bad opinions of others, fearless in the face of any and all obstacles, I am neither superior nor beneath anyone. Thy will be done"... My daily mirror affirmation from Deepak, that I do daily ( When I'm remember). ;P

  2. Denita McDade

    " Independent of the good or bad opinions of others, fearless in the face of any and all obstacles, I am neither superior nor beneath anyone. Thy will be done"... My daily mirror affirmation from Deepak, that I do daily ( When I'm remember). ;P

  3. Denita McDade

    " Independent of the good or bad opinions of others, fearless in the face of any and all obstacles, I am neither superior nor beneath anyone. Thy will be done"... My daily mirror affirmation from Deepak, that I do daily ( When I'm remember). ;P

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August 12, 2017

Mirror Exercise.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


In the mirror exercise you talk about where we recognize traits in people that we both admire and dislike as being our own as well.  I find that when I recognize traits that I dislike in someone else in myself, I dislike myself even more – hate might even be a more appropriate word.  While I cannot begin to know the circumstances that bring about others’ traits, I find that where I am concerned there is no excuse.  I prefer to let other people be who they are, and just try to improve the way I live my life. It is then that I really feel the need for God’s compassion.


When we do shadow work in which we look at unflattering traits in our personality, it is important to do it from the reference point of our higher self. From the perspective of the silent witness, we know that these traits are not our real self, they are the costumes we wear to play our roles or saint and sinner, wise person or the fool. Finding that you have the costume to play the villain sometimes should not confuse you into thinking that you are the villain, and send you into self-hated, any more than finding the monks robes should make you feel virtuous. Rather, the mirror exercise is an opportunity to become free of the ego’s snare of trying to convince us that we are something less than pure, unlimited divine consciousness. We see that the positive and negative traits we see in others we have projected from our own internal wardrobe. These costumes do not merit our affection or hatred, they are simply props used to play our various roles.



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