December 19, 2017



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


In your answer to a question about mantra meditation you wrote:

Using a mantra during meditation gives the mind a vehicle to experience its own quieter states when the mind sympathetically resonates with the impulses of the mantra. This non-analytical movement of attention with the mantra facilitates the experience of the non-local mind because the resonant structure of the mantras themselves mimic the fundamental properties of that field of all possibilities at the core of our Being.

Could you please explain what is meant by the underlined section: specifically, what is meant by ‘mimic’ and what are the fundamental properties that are being mimicked.


The mantras were originally cognized by enlightened seers in the remote past.

The primordial laws of nature that they experienced in the core of their Being, reverberated in the crystal clear purity of their consciousness. They gave expression to this experience by chanting the Vedic sounds that reflected those impulses of their experience. These are the Vedic mantras. When we meditate using these mantras, we are in essence reversing that process. Instead of the mantra being the expression of the inner non-local experience, the impulse of the mantra is introduced to awareness and then allowed to dissipate into that non-local domain. The faint impulses of the mantra settling down during meditation are of the same structure as the impulses of enlightened awareness emerging from that state.  That is how the resonant structure of the mantra serves as a vehicle for the mind to transition from diversity to unity. An analysis of the properties of the non-local field identified in the syllables and sounds of the bija mantras is an entire subject in itself and requires a background in Vedic Sanskrit. 



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August 18, 2017



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Firstly I would like to say thank you for the gift of your beautiful and insightful books and cds. After searching in the dark for so long, your books and teachings have finally given me an insight into the essence of my true being (sat chit ananda).

It is here where I would like to ask a question. I’m an artist and my work currently involves the mantras from “Synchro Destiny”. Many people have asked me to explain the Sanskrit text and I have consulted a Sanskrit dictionary to help my explanation. I feel however that my explanation could be a little more concise. Could you briefly explain where your mantras originate or can you please suggest a book to help my research?


Sanskrit mantras work  through the power of resonance and inherent energy, not through meaning. So even though some rough meanings can be loosely associated with them, word meaning and definitions cannot reach their essence and power.. They represent frequencies of consciousness that allow us to align to the laws of nature at our source.  The source of the mantras are the enlightened Vedic seers of the remote past who “saw” these mantras as reverberations of their pristine awareness and also saw the effects  these sounds produce. A very good book to continue your research is Thomas Ashley-Farrand’s book “Healing Mantras.” He also has an outstanding 6 cd set called “Mantra: Sacred Words of Power.”



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  1. Denita McDade

    I love listening to mantras when I meditate, but when I speak them I lose my focus and my mind wonders. It's the weirdest thing... I typically prefer soft music, or low chanting in the background, but I cannot participate. It triggers my mind to hold onto every word and wonder off....

  2. Denita McDade

    I love listening to mantras when I meditate, but when I speak them I lose my focus and my mind wonders. It's the weirdest thing... I typically prefer soft music, or low chanting in the background, but I cannot participate. It triggers my mind to hold onto every word and wonder off....

  3. Denita McDade

    I love listening to mantras when I meditate, but when I speak them I lose my focus and my mind wonders. It's the weirdest thing... I typically prefer soft music, or low chanting in the background, but I cannot participate. It triggers my mind to hold onto every word and wonder off....

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