December 3, 2015

Loss of Mother.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak.

I have massive admiration for your gift. I have read n loved your books. They are a big source of guidance to me. Someday I want to be able to flow a path of helping and contributing to others into realising their true absolute self. It’s a process no doubt. I am yet to fully realise and appreciate my true self although I am getting there I feel this literally excruciating pain in my heart of loss of my mother who I was deeply attached to and lost her suddenly n at an age of 34. Now I am 41. I have gone through different stages of mourning and loss but I am just stuck now and it is affecting my love towards my husband and my own self. I read a lot and I read a lot about death and after death life.spiritually healing books…I am fairly spiritual person more so now. I am a practicing Buddhist I love it’s philosophy of living and I try live by it. But how do I get over my tragic loss and replace this pain with love and fulfillment. I am registered for your 21 days mediation and it’s helping me no doubt still my question is how do I overcome this huge sense of loss of my mother …I have tried a lot and a lot things as well.

Please guide. With love and warm regards.


It’s been 7 years since your mother passed and you are a grown adult and married, and you still describe your grief as excruciating, and affecting your relationship with your husband. So clearly this is not an ordinary process of grieving the loss of a loved one. You may need grief counseling to help you understand what it is you are holding onto. You don’t need to read any more books, because at root, the issue is not intellectual, it’s emotional.  You need to come to terms with what is holding you in this state of loss for 7 years and keeping you from living your life.  With a little counseling help, you should be able to move forward with a fulfilling life that honors the loving memory of your mother’s life.



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  1. Yowanna Henriquez

    Gracias Maestro por todo lo maravilloso que me regala y todo ese conocimiento Maravilloso Mil Faltaría por darle , Le quiero Profundamente mis bendiciones y la de dios sean para Usted y los suyos. Namaste!

  2. Yowanna Henriquez

    Gracias Maestro por todo lo maravilloso que me regala y todo ese conocimiento Maravilloso Mil Faltaría por darle , Le quiero Profundamente mis bendiciones y la de dios sean para Usted y los suyos. Namaste!

  3. Yowanna Henriquez

    Gracias Maestro por todo lo maravilloso que me regala y todo ese conocimiento Maravilloso Mil Faltaría por darle , Le quiero Profundamente mis bendiciones y la de dios sean para Usted y los suyos. Namaste!

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