October 30, 2018

Losing My Religion.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I need some clarity on a sensitive matter. I am 35 years old with 2 beautiful children and my own successful business. Since childhood I strongly believed (or led to believe) that going to church every day to the organised church activities is the path to salvation. After reading 5 of your books last year, and realising that there is more to life, I made a difficult decision to resign from my church position as an Elder and return to the Brother – status. It is a tough transition since it feels like I have no higher purpose anymore, and yet I believe I have. The church responsibility created very little time to spend quality time with my family and I neglected it, but always reasoning that I had to live my calling as an officer of the church. I don’t agree with some of the “laws” and rules of the church anymore since I think they are man-made. My question is two-fold: How important is going to church? And how do I find a new purpose?


 You are in the process of shifting your sense of spiritual purpose from an external belief system to an internal organically generated one based on the experience of your own spiritual essence.  Others who have gone through this process typically do not find that regular church or temple service is helpful to this process if their prior belief system is trying to undermine the validity of their experience.  Be easy with yourself during this transition and give it time. Your new spiritual purpose will emerge naturally from your growing self-realization.



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    Hello my Brother, I feel that being among like minded people is essential for truer growth for most of us. And it's important to be a part of a like minded group, without becoming too indoctrinated into any one belief system. There is a Universal voice that connects all religions and belief systems, whether Hindu, Buddhist, Christian or Muslim. And this voice speaks the same language and that's the language of Love/Sharing. I feel there's no need for guilt or concern about your direction in life. Continue to trust and develop that Universal Voice that can direct us all if we allow. Ronnie Figueroa.


    Hello my Brother, I feel that being among like minded people is essential for truer growth for most of us. And it's important to be a part of a like minded group, without becoming too indoctrinated into any one belief system. There is a Universal voice that connects all religions and belief systems, whether Hindu, Buddhist, Christian or Muslim. And this voice speaks the same language and that's the language of Love/Sharing. I feel there's no need for guilt or concern about your direction in life. Continue to trust and develop that Universal Voice that can direct us all if we allow. Ronnie Figueroa.


    Hello my Brother, Deepak’s suggestions were really right on. I would add that it is important during these times of transformation to be aware that many unconscious distractions will continue to invade into your conscious mind. The practices of bring yourself back to your connection with your source is always the best answer, no matter how you feeling, or what you are thinking. You can use whatever tools you find available, such as mediation and prayer or using a word or phrase/mantra that you choose. I have found it works best when we look inside and find one for ourselves instead of relying on what a group tell us is the best way. And consistency in what tool you use is essential. Best to you on your journey. If you would like to contact me, go my webpage at: http://www.theholisticenergyhealinginstitute.com (THE HI). Peace, Love and Freedom Ronnie Figueroa

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