June 2, 2012

Losing Interest.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Ever since I read The Shadow Effect, I slowly started to find my inner light and joy. The confusing part is that I started losing interest in things that I used to do. Even though I'm starting to see life in a whole new perspective, I can't seem but to feel lost sometimes.


Losing interest in the past while finding light and joy in the present is considered a good thing. It is only confusing because you are still conditioned to find security and comfort from old familiar activities. Once you are fully accustomed to enjoying the present moment for what it is, you will no longer feel lost and disinterested.


Write Your Comment

  1. heartphone

    by inventing your own games: for instance write down all the letters (and characters) of the alphabet on a large piece of paper, cut them out one by one, hussle them all through on the table and then try to make words. Make the first word that comes out your intent of the day. You are then creating your own game of life which is much more important than a corrupt government or whatever. Scientists have done this now on a nano-scale: http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2012/05/using-dna-as-bricks-and-mortar/

  2. joan zimmerman

    How can I deal with living in this corrupt world in government, big corporations, pharmaceutical companies, war, Monsanto, etc.

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