May 11, 2020

Life After Death.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I’m an academic neuropsychiatrist with deep interest in brain and mind. I only read 2 of your books, Buddha and Muhammad. What impressed me the most is your thorough understanding of the person in these figures. For me you seem to know that what is sacred is every moment we spend existing and not in what is “out there”. I don’t believe in god/gods or in religion and I feel that humans are miserable because they developed “consciousness”, an extension of the frontal lobe function that allowed awareness of time, what has passed and what to come, which created this eternal anxiety about life and death and all the complexity that followed. I think that the Buddha figured it out and gave us the only way to go through it with the least suffering. But when we die, we blend back to the energy in this universe, our soul is the set of experiences that we had and left traces behind, the noise of the working machine of our body and the products of that machine that is left behind. How far am I from the “Truth”!



I don’t presume to know Truth with a capital “T”, but Buddha’s doctrine of freedom from suffering is premised on the idea of awakening from ignorance. This ignorance is the energetic pattern of our identity that keeps us in the cycle of reincarnation until we are fully enlightened. So while the raw material of our bodies is recycled on death, the energy of our individual consciousness is not united with the consciousness of the universe until the body of the enlightened person dies. As for what exactly that experience will be or won’t be, we’ll have to see. 



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February 10, 2019

Life after death.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


When your physical body passes, does your energy simply return to the One Source, becoming everything, and nothing, as your own consciousness merges with Go, or do you continue your spiritual journey in the eternal here and now with the ability to consciously merge and separate your Spirit with the choice to merge with God or to experience life in the spiritual or physical realm? 


The experience and reality you manifest after you leave your physical body will vary depending upon your state of consciousness, just as your present reality is a function of your state of consciousness. For the enlightened, fully self-realized person, there is no compulsion to return in physical form again. He or she has a choice at that point.

Those whose sense of self is still identified with the body, mind or ego to whatever extent, will then carry that configuration of awareness forward and that will represent the seed around which future life karma will coalesce into another physical embodiment. This   life will offer new opportunities to become self-realized and liberated from the cycle.

This is obviously a large topic and is further discussed in my book Life After Death.



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March 10, 2017

Life After Death.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Just purchased your most recent book, “LIFE AFTER DEATH”, and find it most interesting, however, slightly beyond my means of comprehension after reading a few chapters.  I do, however, wish to ask a question that has been running through my mind for several years, from which I cannot receive a qualified answer.  After reading several of your books, including listening to you on TV, including other broadcast, I am captured with your knowledge of life, in many areas, including the “after life.”

I am 81 years of age, happy married for 60 of my 81 years, so satisfied with my married life and the four (pet)dogs I become very attached too, I can only hope and pray that after death, we will continue until eternity, with our strong love and relationship with them.  Does anything change in heaven, to your thinking?  My wife and I both were very close to our pets, and have for these many years prayed that our here-after relationships will continue with our pets, and ourselves, as it has here on earth.  The further I project myself into your book, the happier I become.  I wish only to hear your comments in response to my questions.

I sincerely hope to hear from you soon, praying your response will continue to support our thinking and desires, in our soon departure from this earth.

GOD BLESS, and continue your much needed teachings in this day and age.


Congratulations on a life full of so much love. The main point of my Life After Death book is that the afterlife is not a fixed reality that is the same for everyone; it is the creative product of our beliefs, desires, actions and spiritual needs. As such, if you want and need the companionship of your wife and pets, then consciousness can easily accommodate it. That stage of life is freed from the limitations of three-dimensional space and time constraints. The love you share will persist. I wish you and your family much love.



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  1. Galina Karlsson

    Hello, Deepak! I am an ordinary woman , 54 years, living in Sweden. I do not know much about such things as life after death, and not so much interested in this. The reason that I want to ask you a question is that I dreamed now twice the same thing, don"t know if I can call it a dream, very weird experience. I dreamed that I was driving my car and crasched into another car. Then it got weird. I saw no images more but I was everywere as a gold air, I knew exactly that it was me and nothing else existed somewhere, just me as an air everywere, I was very surprised that nothing else existed, I understood it very well that I was alone as an air everywere. My question is: it is so we will experience when we are dead? Have a nice day Galina Karlsson

  2. Galina Karlsson

    Hello, Deepak! I am an ordinary woman , 54 years, living in Sweden. I do not know much about such things as life after death, and not so much interested in this. The reason that I want to ask you a question is that I dreamed now twice the same thing, don"t know if I can call it a dream, very weird experience. I dreamed that I was driving my car and crasched into another car. Then it got weird. I saw no images more but I was everywere as a gold air, I knew exactly that it was me and nothing else existed somewhere, just me as an air everywere, I was very surprised that nothing else existed, I understood it very well that I was alone as an air everywere. My question is: it is so we will experience when we are dead? Have a nice day Galina Karlsson

  3. Galina Karlsson

    Hello, Deepak! I am an ordinary woman , 54 years, living in Sweden. I do not know much about such things as life after death, and not so much interested in this. The reason that I want to ask you a question is that I dreamed now twice the same thing, don"t know if I can call it a dream, very weird experience. I dreamed that I was driving my car and crasched into another car. Then it got weird. I saw no images more but I was everywere as a gold air, I knew exactly that it was me and nothing else existed somewhere, just me as an air everywere, I was very surprised that nothing else existed, I understood it very well that I was alone as an air everywere. My question is: it is so we will experience when we are dead? Have a nice day Galina Karlsson

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February 19, 2012

Life After Death.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I'm an academic neuropsychiatrist with deep interest in brain and mind. I only read 2 of your books, Buddha and Muhammad. What impressed me the most is your thorough understanding of the person in these figures. For me you seem to know that what is sacred is every moment we spend existing and not in what is "out there".

I don't believe in god/gods or in religion and I feel that humans are miserable because they developed "consciousness", an extension of the frontal lobe function that allowed awareness of time, what has passed and what to come, which created this eternal anxiety about life and death and all the complexity that followed. I think that the Buddha figured it out and gave us the only way to go through it with the least suffering. But when we die, we blend back to the energy in this universe, our soul is the set of experiences that we had and left traces behind, the noise of the working machine of our body and the products of that machine that is left behind. How far am I from the "Truth"!


I don’t presume to know Truth with a capital “T”, but Buddha’s doctrine of freedom from suffering is premised on the idea of awakening from ignorance. This ignorance is the energetic pattern of our identity that keeps us in the cycle of reincarnation until we are fully enlightened. So while the raw material of our bodies is recycled on death, the energy of our individual consciousness is not united with the consciousness of the universe until the body of the enlightened person dies. As for what exactly that experience will be or won’t be, we’ll have to see.


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  1. Lew

    What the Buddha also taught, among other things, was the acceptance of impermanence. No thing is truly impermanent or unchanging and we fight that truth and are often miserable because of it. Yes, our bodies get old and start to hurt and get sick and eventually die but we have to accept that and remind ourselves that we are not our bodies. And without change, we would not grow up and when we get sick we would not heal. So there's an up side to impermanence.

  2. Lew

    What the Buddha also taught, among other things, was the acceptance of impermanence. No thing is truly impermanent or unchanging and we fight that truth and are often miserable because of it. Yes, our bodies get old and start to hurt and get sick and eventually die but we have to accept that and remind ourselves that we are not our bodies. And without change, we would not grow up and when we get sick we would not heal. So there's an up side to impermanence.

  3. Lew

    What the Buddha also taught, among other things, was the acceptance of impermanence. No thing is truly impermanent or unchanging and we fight that truth and are often miserable because of it. Yes, our bodies get old and start to hurt and get sick and eventually die but we have to accept that and remind ourselves that we are not our bodies. And without change, we would not grow up and when we get sick we would not heal. So there's an up side to impermanence.

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