April 16, 2015

Lack of Purpose.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


 Dear Deepak,

I have a chronic disability which will mean I will be unable to work or study for the rest of my life. Most of my time is spent at home where I meditate and do yoga everyday. I feel at the moment I don’t have a purpose in life as I’m unable to work or study or even really leave my house for long periods of time. I do not have any children and prefer my own company. How do I find a purpose in life under these circumstances?

Thank you


Life purpose is generated and manifests from the quality of your Being, not from your actions. So even though you are relatively isolated in your home, you can still make the enrichment of your spiritual world your life purpose. The awakening of your awareness is an immeasurable gift you are giving to the world. Even without social interaction, your spiritual awakening uplifts and clears the path for countless others in collective consciousness.

A spiritual life purpose may not seem very impactful, or generous compared to being  a surgeon or a teacher, but in fact it fulfills a critical spiritual need in the world, all the more so because it is unseen and undervalued.  Think of yourself as the hermit or yogi  who quietly brings peace and harmony to her village without anyone knowing.



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  1. Tahmineh Breinholt


  2. Tahmineh Breinholt


  3. Tahmineh Breinholt


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July 15, 2013

Lack of Purpose.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dearest Deepak sir I have started reading your articles recently .Your thoughts are backed up by reality which all can experience in daily life. Many times I feel that there is lack of purpose in my life asI don't like to attach myself to goals or people .The circumstances surrounding me too have changed ,where I am totally in solitude. I do try to full fill my responsibilities but am not being able to apply my complete intention and attention on to it. How do I find the missing purpose in my life ,even though now am satisfied with what I am as far as the material side of life is concerned?


Finding your guiding purpose in life requires that you go deeply within , past your mundane sense of self with and responsibilities. Your core self has a life design that will guide you and provide a sense of purpose to your life. No one can tell you what that purpose is, you need to dig down deep and experience on your own. Meditation will be your greatest aide in discovering your Self. Find a daily mediation practice and write in a journal every day what your unique gifts and talents are. In a few months you should know what your purpose is and feel good about your contribution to making this a better world.


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  1. Just a Thought

    Seems to me like you`ve had many purposes in life. One of which was the illusion of not having one. You`re current purpose is to find something else to hold on to; to give meaning to. Just make sure that your search isn`t an end, but a means. You are complex and finite, so seek the version of the real you that you want to be. Just a thought...

  2. Dawn

    That was such a meaningful answer. With such a short answer you have armed someone with the knowledge to change or better oneself. Amazing what just one person can do to better the world. Amazing

  3. Marcus

    I agree with the Doc .... Your discord which prompted your question is always the first stepping stone to change. You are at the helm of you!

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