May 19, 2023
Ask Deepak

Hearing Thoughts.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, Your teaching is very interesting. Firstly I read your book about synchrodestiny. As I encounter coincidence in my life, I really enjoyed having an explanation. Also the definition of the different states of consciousness helps me to understand some events of my life. I have the feeling that I can hear what people think about me. It was not always nice but practical, I did not really care but now I have another feeling, I feel attacked. So I try to focus my attention because it could have an effect on my life. I would like to know if you have advice. Thank you for all your work.


Being more aware of, and sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of people around you isn’t necessarily desirable unless it comes with a commensurate growth of discernment and strength of awareness. That way you are able to filter out and remain protected from all the extraneous and unhelpful influences, allowing you to be free to notice and attend to the useful ones.



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