January 23, 2012



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


On September 27th of last year my wife of 39.5 yrs. made her transition. She was just short of turning 64 y/o. It was her 3rd hospitalization for a heart attack, and watching the nurse slowly increase the morphine & decrease the medication that was sustaining her was extremely sad and heart breaking. My question is about grieving. Do you have a recommended practice for grieving? I know that each person grieves in their own way & time. It was requested of me to take a year to do this. Any thoughts that you can share would be of help. Thank You, Namaste'


I’m sorry for the loss of your life’s love. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. There is no timetable or way of grieving that applies to everyone. Your inner intelligence and guidance knows how best to heal that pain of physical separation. Be gentle and nonjudgmental with yourself and the wisdom of your soul will naturally direct your grieving process in the appropriate expression for you. One thing I will say is that it is grief is very hard on the body as well as the heart, and people often neglect their physical health during that time, and that can impede the healing process. It is important that you continue to take care of your physical health with proper food, rest and exercise now in order to support your emotional healing.

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  1. Gayle Ford

    First, you need to know the horrible hurt does get better. Not saying it goes away. It just becomes your new normal. Writing thoughts down in journal helps. And when you need to not cry, just look up and the tears will stop for a moment so you can then can deal with something. My only son passed at 21 yrs. old. So I know.

  2. Gayle Ford

    First, you need to know the horrible hurt does get better. Not saying it goes away. It just becomes your new normal. Writing thoughts down in journal helps. And when you need to not cry, just look up and the tears will stop for a moment so you can then can deal with something. My only son passed at 21 yrs. old. So I know.

  3. Gayle Ford

    First, you need to know the horrible hurt does get better. Not saying it goes away. It just becomes your new normal. Writing thoughts down in journal helps. And when you need to not cry, just look up and the tears will stop for a moment so you can then can deal with something. My only son passed at 21 yrs. old. So I know.

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