God And Quantum Mechanics.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
After watching the mind-boggling audiovisual by Stephen Hawking about the creation of the universe and the scientific evidence that it's impossible that God and the afterlife can exist, and considering he refers several times, as you often do, to the field of quantum mechanics, what's your take on his research an evidence, and how do you manage to interpret the same facts to make them compatible with the existence of God and life after death?
Stephen Hawking has often had to clarify that his position is that God is not required to account for creation. That is very different than saying that God’s existence is impossible. That is not the kind of statement that any self-respecting scientist could make or would make. Quantum mechanics makes no claims or implications about God one way or another. The thrust of Hawkings view is that a religiously defined personal creator God does not further our understanding of the genesis of the cosmos therefore God is an unnecessary and irrelevant part of the discussion of creation.
Since this is not my concept of God, I have no argument with that. My view is that God stands for our consciousness to know itself in ever deepening ways. This self-interacting, self-knowing capacity of our existence, finds a parallel in some of the progressive models of quantum mechanics where a dynamic field of pure potentiality lies at the basis of all manifestation of physical existence. Since reality is unitary at its root, I believe this basic quantum mechanical reality is not a separate reality from our own pure conscious existence.
A quantum God that creates everything with a thought. The trick is that it remains as a thought and the illusion is materiality. Just as we believe that the people we dream are really while we dream them they are not truly really. In Star Trek the characters in the hollow suite truly believe the are really because the program or programmer makes the program for them to believe. We are just characters in a quantum hollow suite living out our lives as per our individual programs. Until the programmer changes your program to understand the truth of their non existence they will continue to believe they and the world are real. There is a quantum God and we in a sense are just characters in his cosmic quantum soap opera.
A quantum God that creates everything with a thought. The trick is that it remains as a thought and the illusion is materiality. Just as we believe that the people we dream are really while we dream them they are not truly really. In Star Trek the characters in the hollow suite truly believe the are really because the program or programmer makes the program for them to believe. We are just characters in a quantum hollow suite living out our lives as per our individual programs. Until the programmer changes your program to understand the truth of their non existence they will continue to believe they and the world are real. There is a quantum God and we in a sense are just characters in his cosmic quantum soap opera.
I believe we are an individuation of God expressing himself in infinite ways consciously.. The All That Is, had no way to experience itself before creation..God was all there was..creation is,IMO,God desiring to express himself through us individually and the universe as a whole. A part of the whole is always the same in like and kind but to a different degree. We are not seperate from GOD, just individuated. Understanding this reality illusion is part of your journey.. The Journey is meant to be fun and growthful..With a State of Being of infinite abundance, gratitude and servitude and the ability to create your reality as you wish... God loves us very very much. Now enjoy the ride!!