September 28, 2012

Giving Up On Life.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I've given up on life. My thoughts are very nihilistic and I've lost any hope. I've done everything in my power to get out of this position that I’m in, with no success whatsoever. I’m tired Deepak, very tired!. I feel I’m heading towards a path of self-destruction and I don't know how much it'll take me to surrender to that, (which I don't want to!). I'm fighting way to hard…(to survive). I desperately need your help! a piece of advice please!


First of all, if you are feeling self-destructive you should immediately call a suicide hot line. After that issue is addressed, it is important that you recognize that the entire context of your dilemma is framed as a no-win situation. You seem to see life as a fight for survival and success against insurmountable odds. Given that picture it is no surprise that you feel tired and ready to give up. But this story you believe in and have structured your identity and well-being around has nothing to do with your true nature. It is a narrative you have unconsciously superimposed on your life, and that implicit belief that life is a fight is the source of your misery. Find some help in examining these core beliefs that are driving your experience of life and then realize that you have the capacity to replace these pathological beliefs with healthy, life-affirming beliefs that will serve you much better.


Write Your Comment

  1. william

    Deepak looking at the truth in life is not pathological belief it is truth! most people live a life full of lies and refuse to face the truth. quit telling people that what they feel is just in there heads!

  2. william

    Deepak looking at the truth in life is not pathological belief it is truth! most people live a life full of lies and refuse to face the truth. quit telling people that what they feel is just in there heads!

  3. william

    Deepak looking at the truth in life is not pathological belief it is truth! most people live a life full of lies and refuse to face the truth. quit telling people that what they feel is just in there heads!

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