August 28, 2015



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Is there a way to manifest forgiveness with someone else? In case of a broken marriage where one partner left. The other partner has asked for forgiveness for her errors (taking him for granted); and has forgiven him for abandonment. Is there any way to manifest forgiveness; and a second chance of forgiveness? How does one manifest a fresh start?

Thank you!


Forgiveness is not just letting go of resentment, anger and vengeance, it also requires that we are able to release our insistence on our perception of injustice. That limited perspective is the basis for our emotional response, and   we need to recognize that this view is creating a toxic negativity that is only hurting our self.  If we allow other valid viewpoints of the same experience, we can begin to let go of that feeling of injustice and healing will start automatically. But forgiveness is something only you can do. It is very personal. You can’t orchestrate it or manifest it in another person. It has to unfold when the person is ready.



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  1. Dike N Kalu

    My question is: Suppose it is a rich donor’s intention to build a non-commercial recreation center for the masses in a village in a third-world country. The intention is realized and the center becomes functional for what it was intended. However, after some years some people begin to advocate using the center for what it was not originally intended even though the original need continues. Will the donor be violating the law of detachment if he returns to fight for retaining the center mainly for its original purpose? In order wards should the donor remain detached from the impending fate of the center which is the result of his intention. (The question implies that the donor became detached from the center after it was completed and wanted to avoid contravening the law of detachment).

  2. Dike N Kalu

    My question is: Suppose it is a rich donor’s intention to build a non-commercial recreation center for the masses in a village in a third-world country. The intention is realized and the center becomes functional for what it was intended. However, after some years some people begin to advocate using the center for what it was not originally intended even though the original need continues. Will the donor be violating the law of detachment if he returns to fight for retaining the center mainly for its original purpose? In order wards should the donor remain detached from the impending fate of the center which is the result of his intention. (The question implies that the donor became detached from the center after it was completed and wanted to avoid contravening the law of detachment).

  3. Dike N Kalu

    My question is: Suppose it is a rich donor’s intention to build a non-commercial recreation center for the masses in a village in a third-world country. The intention is realized and the center becomes functional for what it was intended. However, after some years some people begin to advocate using the center for what it was not originally intended even though the original need continues. Will the donor be violating the law of detachment if he returns to fight for retaining the center mainly for its original purpose? In order wards should the donor remain detached from the impending fate of the center which is the result of his intention. (The question implies that the donor became detached from the center after it was completed and wanted to avoid contravening the law of detachment).

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March 4, 2014



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


When we talk about forgiveness we often hear, that the person we need to forgive did not have enough consciousness and awareness in that moment to act differently. "When you know better, you do better" …But if that person knows what is the right choice and still does wrong. .. How can you forgive? Thank you!!!


Knowing better is not just a question of being aware that one option is considered “better” than another. Our actions are based on our level of consciousness, which is the sum total of our degree of awakening, our past tendencies and our habits. You can forgive another for their shortcomings, because they have only acted from the level of their capacity. Your choice to forgive is in recognizing that fact and deciding you do not want to live with the toxicity of harboring ill feelings in your heart pretending that they could act otherwise.


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  1. Attila Vajda

    Alice Miller on forgiveness:

  2. Diva

    Thank you Deepak I feel better Your response helps

  3. M.H. Callahan

    Alexander Pope once said, "To err is human, to forgive divine." I say, "To err is human, and to be human is divine."

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October 27, 2012



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, A lot of spiritual advisors talk of the need for forgiveness. I don't understand the concept nor its benefits towards my spiritual well-being. Can you help me understand what forgiveness really is and why I need to forgive others? I never forget and I don't think I can fully forgive.


Forgiveness is recognition that actions that are perceived as hurtful or wrong are the perspective of the small ego mind, not the higher self. The ego self feels the need to seek justice or revenge to right the perceived wrong. The higher self knows that the universe will rebalance all actions at the appropriate time and in the appropriate way in accord with the whole cosmos, not just the view of one person’s hurt feelings. When you forgive, you are allowing that process to unfold, instead of holding on to your ego’s point of view. You are admitting that your limited mind doesn’t know everything there is to know about what is right and wrong and you are recognizing that people’s actions do not indicate what their true essence, conscious beings on the path to full awakening. In that sense they are just like you. Understanding that connection gives you compassion for them. From there it is a short step to forgive them and that reconnects you to your own spiritual truth.


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  1. Mdrivetime

    Allllll these imaginary definitions of the purpose of forgiveness. Clever, but how is this helpful? So.much baloney.

  2. enlight

    Forgiveness means healing emotional wound.if you got physical wound you go to docter and heal it.But in case of emotional wound ,you go into hurt,pain every time you remember such incidences.If you forgive in right way, there is no trace of that emotional wound in your memory,it is deleted permanently from your memory it is in your own control how much time you want to be in pain years,months,hour,minutes seconds.By forgiving, you are not forgiving anyone outside but you forgiving yourself from pain you created yourself by repeatedly remembering the same incidence.

  3. Yolanda

    Always remember Oprah saying forgiveness is giving up the hope that things ( the past - the situation) could be different.

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