April 26, 2013

Force of Nature.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak, I have read a lot on metaphysical subjects but I have yet to really properly practice anything in a consistent manner. So I don't know if I am actually asking a silly question. 🙂 With regards to getting what you want, whether it be spiritual or material benefits, what is more effective: Power of Belief OR Living in the Now? Are they even two separate concepts? What according to your understanding at the commonalities and differences in them?

Both of these concepts offer powerful spiritual lessons, but I wouldn’t say that either of them really are formulas for getting what you want. The technique for using the force of Nature to manifest what you need requires that you have direct contact with your core consciousness, your true self. In that meditative state of silence you project your simple intention, then you let it go and allow the awareness to return to the still state of pure consciousness. The intention or desire is like dropping a seed in fertile ground and then allowing Nature to nourish it into a growing sprout.


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  1. butchie

    Im a gambler and I acknowledge this.im not sure if this is my weakness or my strength.and I want to give it up.but,i find it hard.could u give as an advice thru the use of my power of the mind and belief to stop it?thank you.

  2. Alex Mero - Author

    The desire for transformation is the starting point of all spiritual realizations. This deep desire gives rise to new intentions, and these intentions carry within them volition, aspirations and a much higher vision of life. Everything we focus on, fortifies itself in our lives, whereas what we pay little or no attention, disintegrates in our consciousness. If our intentions are focused towards a material existence, that is what we will develop. If, however, we have a profound desire to converge with our souls, we move from a fragmented perception of things to a much greater awareness of the Absolute.

  3. Anne Sanders

    I get confused myself at times but then as you say I go within and silence my mind and give to the universe what it requires to help me and I do my utmost best not to stop its flow! Thank you Deepak!

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