February 29, 2012

Expanding the Ego.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


When I say ` Aham brahmasmi` am I not expanding my ego beyond the realms of this world? Is it not possible that by thus expanding my ego , I transcend the trivialities of the world around me and thus become restful?


The Sanskrit phrase aham brahmāsmi, means “I am Brahman, the wholeness of existence. Generally the “I” in the phrase refers to the atman, the universal aspect of individual existence, not the small self of the ego. It is an affirmation of the enlightened truth that the pure existence of our individual reality is the same as the pure existence of the universe. So that cognition of reality does indeed take one beyond the trivial concerns of daily life.


Write Your Comment

  1. Rudy Abel

    This will be misconstrued by some.

  2. Lucia Samantha Ojeda

    I remembered that phrase from sincrodestiny

  3. Rosemary Holanda Cavalcanti


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