August 19, 2017

Dream Life.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Please could you give me your opinion on where my dreams are coming from. I know you have said previously that dreams are parts of ourselves, but mine honestly don’t seem to be. Each night I travel a world every bit as real and structured as this one. The people are complete strangers—-yet I know them well in the dreams—– and the life is as structured and real as the waking world. These dreams are not fragments of my day’s happenings and my imagination could never invent them. The strange part is I feel exactly like myself, only as I should be! By that, I mean no physical ailments at all and no emotional ones, like insecurity or doubt. I am free, and yet the dreams are not always pleasant—just another life. And when I wake up, I am so tired—like I have been out all night and need to go to bed. My question is, could I really be living another life ”in spirit”   at night? Is it possible this is my after-life? I would love your answer,


While most dreams are the resolution and projections of unresolved events and feelings from the day’s activity, there are exceptions, and your situation seems to fall into the exceptions category. Every state of consciousness has its corresponding reality. The dream state of consciousness also has its own world or reality that is free of the limitations of 3-dimensional space and time. Typically, people enter the dream state for a kind of passive recovery process to help rectify imbalances accumulated during waking state. But there are times when it is appropriate to use this dream state of consciousness more actively to relate information or gain some particular experience that isn’t available through other channels. That is what is happening in your case, and that is also why you feel tired when you wake up. There is no reason to be concerned, it will sort itself out exactly as it needs to.



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  1. Ada Beljon

    I didn't know that I have to pay for the meditations I thought they where for free after paying for the course love Ada

  2. Ada Beljon

    I didn't know that I have to pay for the meditations I thought they where for free after paying for the course love Ada

  3. Ada Beljon

    I didn't know that I have to pay for the meditations I thought they where for free after paying for the course love Ada

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June 19, 2014

Dream Life.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


If life is a dream and nothing is real then what is the purpose of living? How does one go on day to day knowing this?


Life is a dream in that it is a creation of our awareness, individually and collectively, conscious and unconscious. Life is not a dream in the sense of something that is meaningless or inconsequential. Life as consciousness is the very foundation of reality, value and purpose. Becoming self-realized is to know your being is co-existent with all of creation. This gives great meaning and purpose to every thought, word and action in life.


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  1. Terry Bridges

    to make money from new-age gobblygook?

  2. Arianna Khrystyna Kahnn Divinelightwithin

  3. Julia

    Life is the only reality. It is the love, the energy or the counsciousness. We are blessed to be ruled by such laws. What makes it a dream is our mind, building a glass wall around us, causing the suffering and the lack of will. We all know what is our purpose. Every expression of life that we know works by reciprocity and harmony-its not confering poetry but that is the reality. Our purpose is happiness but real happiness resides in the Life we are made of. We naturally are the well of happiness. Its really simple. To make it more concrete, We are able to live in the same bliss that we sense when we give birth to a baby and for the whole duration of our physical life, and giving back the gratitude for our own nature. Isnt all this worthy to live for? Love Julia

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