August 23, 2012

Doing and Being.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


How does the practice of creative visualization which we use to manifest what we want in life, fit in with the concept that "We are not the doer"?


The practice of creative visualization teaches us to have an intention of what we want and then by returning to our state of abstract awareness we allow nature to work out the details of its manifestation. We have an intention and then let go of it. The concept that “we are not the doer” affirms that our true nature is unlimited and unqualified by any action, thought or desire. We may have many thoughts and desires, but that is not who we are. In mistaking our thoughts for our self we not only obscure our infinite nature, we also limit our ability to fulfill desires. Knowing we are not the doer is the letting go step of creative visualization, where we surrender the outcome of our desire to God.


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  1. Saaid

    Dear sir How can man visualize thing can not see or catch to get what man want ? Thank you very much Saaid

  2. Saaid

    Dear sir How can man visualize thing can not see or catch to get what man want ? Thank you very much Saaid

  3. Saaid

    Dear sir How can man visualize thing can not see or catch to get what man want ? Thank you very much Saaid

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