April 29, 2020

Dharma Statistics.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


 I want to know how many people actually achieve dharma. Like one out of 100, 1000, or is it one in one million. I know that I have achieved dharma. but it seems that the majority of people are delusional.

Do you have a statistic for that?



I don’t know of any source for such statistics, nor do I know how one would even go about conducting such a study. Dharma is ultimately about living in harmony with the force of evolution on a moment by moment basis. In one sense, self-realization or enlightenment, is the only sure guide to always be locked into your dharma. But for most of us, how much we are living according to dharma is a constantly  fluctuating  thing. Sometimes when we are feeling strongly in balance we may be living 80-90% in our dharma. Other times when every little thing feels blocked and difficult, we may be expressing only 20 or 30% in line with our life purpose. As we grow in self-awareness, we remove the blocks to our full potential and naturally live more in tune with our dharma.



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May 30, 2012

Dharma Statistics.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I want to know how many people actually achieve dharma. Like one out of 100, 1000, or is it one in one million. I know that I have achieved dharma. but it seems that the majority of people are delusional. Do you have a statistic for that?


I don’t know of any source for such statistics, nor do I know how one would even go about conducting such a study. Dharma is ultimately about living in harmony with the force of evolution on a moment by moment basis. In one sense, self-realization or enlightenment, is the only sure guide to always be locked into your dharma. But for most of us, how much we are living according to dharma is a constantly fluctuating thing. Sometimes when we are feeling strongly in balance we may be living 80-90% in our dharma. Other times when every little thing feels blocked and difficult, we may be expressing only 20 or 30% in line with our life purpose. As we grow in self-awareness, we remove the blocks to our full potential and naturally live more in tune with our dharma.


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  1. Randir

    Would one achieve dharma once one has truly found himself ?

  2. RAZ

    Sounds like the start of a fantastic Algebra equation!

  3. Karthikeyan

    Deepak I wish to have the harmony in you also be in me... but dharma the term is also having its own evolution, even a thief have his own definition for dharma, he will say stealing for food is his dharma. so what is the real meaning of dharma, is that thing that creates harmony around us is the true dharma? ancient vedas/scripts are nothing but older version of the recent science discoveries as per theories. how do I know my body is in harmony with mind and soul?

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